HB 2316 - DIGEST


                  (SEE ALSO PROPOSED 1ST SUB)


     Prohibits state officials from having an interest in or engaging in a business or transaction that is in conflict with the discharge of public duties.

     Prohibits the disclosure of confidential information gained by reason of the official's employment for personal gain or the gain of another.

     Prohibits the use of the office to gain special privileges.

     Places restrictions on postpublic service employment.

     Prohibits compensation for official duties or personal services from a source other than the state or its political subdivisions.

     Restricts the receipt of honoraria or gifts.

     Prohibits the use of public resources for political campaigns.

     Establishes restrictions on investments.

     Creates the legislative ethics board and specifies its duties and responsibilities.

     Creates an executive ethics board and specifies the duties and responsibilities.

     Establishes hearing procedures on complaints of violation of the act.

     Authorizes citizen actions when official action has not been instituted in a timely manner.

     Provides for authorized actions by the boards, the attorney general, and administrative law judges to enforce the act.

     Establishes time limitations for commencement of actions under the act.

     Repeals provisions of chapters 42.18, 42.20, 42.21, 42.22, and 44.60 RCW.