SB 5165 - DIGEST
Creates two health insurance purchasing cooperative regions in the state.
Directs the insurance commissioner to establish state-wide health care operating standards.
Designates the requirements for operating as a health care purchasing cooperative.
Establishes requirements for insurance carriers which offer health benefit plans.
Provides for small business and individual health care reform.
Establishes the good health trust account.
Enacts malpractice reform.
Provides for a comprehensive health care data system.
Repeals RCW 70.170.080.
Establishes the health care quality center.
Declares that the promotion of good health should be the prime objective of state health-related activities.
Revises the Washington basic health plan.
Encourages negotiation with the federal government to obtain a waiver of provisions of the medicaid statute.
Prohibits health care provider financial conflicts of interest.
Establishes uniform electronic claims processing procedures.
Makes appropriations to carry out the purposes of the act.
Requires additional taxes on tobacco products to provide a revenue source for the good health trust account.