1030-S AMH .... H0991.2
SHB 1030 - H AMD ADOPTED 1/20/95 019
By Representative Foreman
On page 2, line 28, after "(3)" insert "(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the hours of employment for minors age sixteen and seventeen shall not be restricted except as follows:
(i) The total number of hours worked during the school year may not exceed a maximum of twenty-four hours per week.
(ii) The total number of hours worked during school vacations may not exceed a maximum of ten hours per day or forty-eight hours per week.
(b) A variance to (a) of this subsection may be granted by the minor's school with concurrence of the minor's parent or legal guardian. The department shall adopt rules establishing the procedures that the school must follow in granting a variance under this subsection. The variance may permit up to a maximum of thirty-two hours of work per week during the school year.
On page 2, at the beginning of line 34, strike "(4)" and insert "(5)"
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