SHB 1147 ‑ H AMDS 311 FAIELD 3/11/95
By Representative McMahan
On page 2, at the beginning of line 1, strike "(e) Encouraging performance-based education programs;"
Reletter remaining subsections accordingly.
On page 2, line 21, after "act" strike "and the student learning goals in RCW 28A.150.210"
On page 3, beginning on line 32, strike all of Subsection (2)
Renumber remaining subsections accordingly.
On page 4, beginning on line 16, after "28A.230.240" strike all material through "programs" on line 20.
EFFECT: Removes a reference to performance-based education. Removes requirements that instruction in charter schools focus on the state student learning goals and essential academic learning requirements. Removes a requirement that charter school students participate in the assessments being developed by the Commission on Student Learning.