SHB 1410 ‑ H AMDS 600 WITHDRAWN 3/24/95
By Representative Basich
On page 42, line 13, strike "$30,026,000" and insert "$30,776,000"
On page 42, line 14, strike "$37,122,000" and insert "$37,505,000"
On page 43, line 16, strike "$197,870,000" and insert "$199,003,000"
On page 44, after line 39, insert: "(11) $750,000 of the general fund-state appropriation is provided solely for the Washington conservation corps program established under chapter 43.220 RCW."
On page 45, line 13, strike: "$34,036,000" and insert "$35,836,000"
On page 45, line 31, strike: "$62,566,000" and insert "$64,366,000"
On page 46, after line 13, insert: "(4) $1,800,000 of the general fund-state appropriation is provided solely for the Washington conservation corps program established under chapter 43.220 RCW."
On page 47, line 26, strike "$63,063,000" and insert: "$64,863,000"
On page 48, line 5, strike "$192,235,000" and insert "$193,035,000"
On page 48, after line 33, insert: "(7) $800,000 of the general fund-state appropriation is provided solely for the Washington conservation corps program established under chapter 43.220 RCW."
On page 48, line 35, strike "$42,967,000" and insert "$44,317,000"
On page 49, line 15, strike "$195,393,000" and insert "$196,743,000"
On page 50, after line 36, insert: "(14) $1,350,000 of the general fund-state appropriation is provided solely for the Washington conservation corps program established under chapter 43.220 RCW."
EFFECT: Adds funding for the Washington conservation corps program: $750,000 GF-S and $383,000 GF-F to Dept of Ecology; $1,800,000 to Parks; $800,000 to Dept of Fish and Wildlife; and $1,350,000 to Dept of Natural Resources.