SHB 1410 ‑ H AMDS 449 WITHDRAWN 3/24/95
By Representative Carlson
On page 27, line 13, strike "227,454,000" and insert "228,254,000"
On page 27, line 16, strike "385,586,000" and insert "386,386,000"
On page 28, line 5, after "program" insert "by measures such as increasing to four the average number of clients served in each setting"
On page 28, line 6, strike "5,800,000" and insert "5,000,000"
EFFECT: Increases the appropriation to the Developmental Disabilities Division by $800,000 general fund-state based on the assumption that fewer people will be served per setting than was assumed in the original budget step. The original budget step saved $5.8 million. This change will make the savings assumption $5 million.