SHB 1410 ‑ H AMDS 549 FAILED 3/24/95
By Representatives Morris, Hatfeild
On page 24, line 23, strike "40,382,000" and insert "51,923,000"
On page 24, line 24, strike "23,083,000" and insert "11,541,000"
On page 24, line 30, strike "58,085,000" and insert "67,831,000"
On page 24, line 31, strike "19,492,000" and insert "9,746,000"
EFFECT: Reduces by 50% the assumption on the amount of federal funds which will be earned in the community services and institutional services programs of the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration's budget. The reduced federal funds are replaced by general fund-state funds. Increases the general fund-state appropriation in the community services program by $11,541,000 and reduces the general fund-federal by $11,541,000. Increases the general fund-state apppropriation in the institutions program by $9,746,000 and reduces the general fund-federal by $9,746,000.