SHB 1410 ‑ H AMDS 473 FAILED 3/24/95
By Representative Romero
On page 5, line 9, strike "$3,300,000" and insert "$2,324,000"
On page 5, after line 9, strike all material through "resources." on line 15
On page 82, line 21, strike "$29,893,000" and insert "$31,079,000"
On page 82, on line 33, after "(4)" strike the remainder of the subsection and insert "$976,000 of the general fund-state appropriation is provided solely for the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to conduct studies requested by the Legislature."
EFFECT: Transfers $976,000 GF-S from the Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (LEAP) to the Evergreen State College to fund and retain the Institute for Public Policy. Adds $210,000 GF-S for the Labor Center.