SHB 2224 ‑ H AMDS 039 FAILED 1-26-96
By Representative Carlson
On page 2, line 2, after "and" insert ", as required under RCW 28A.225.080,"
On page 4, after line 15, insert the following:
"Sec. 2. RCW 28A.225.080 and 1990 c 33 ' 225 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A minor work permit under RCW 49.12.121 for the employment of an unemancipated minor may not be issued unless the approval of the school which the minor is then attending is obtained. The school may not grant approval unless the classroom teachers of the minor agree that employment under the conditions and terms proposed in the work permit will not cause a serious adverse effect on the minor's educational progress.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in
this code, no child under the age of fifteen years shall be employed for any
purpose by any person, company or corporation, in this state during the hours
which the public schools of the district in which such child resides are in
session, unless the ((said)) child ((shall)) presents a
certificate from a school superintendent as provided for in RCW 28A.225.010,
excusing the ((said)) child from attendance in the public schools and
setting forth the reason for such excuse, the residence and age of the child,
and the time for which such excuse is given. Every owner, superintendent, or
overseer of any establishment, company or corporation shall keep such
certificate on file so long as such child is employed by him or her. The form
of ((said)) the certificate shall be furnished by the
superintendent of public instruction. Proof that any child under fifteen years
of age is employed during any part of the period in which public schools of the
district are in session, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a violation of
this section."
Renumber the sections consecutively, correct internal references accordingly, and correct the title.
EFFECT: The amendment adds that the minor's school may not approve the issuance of a minor work permit unless the minor's classroom teachers agree that the proposed employment will not cause a serious adverse effect on the minor's educational progress.