2343-S AMH .... H5168.1
SHB 2343 - H AMD 303 ADOPTED 2-14-96
By Representative Foreman
On page 18, line 34, strike "226,274,000" and insert "222,274,000"
On page 18, line 38, strike "230,040,000" and insert "226,040,000"
On page 20, beginning on line 8, strike all of subsection (7)
SHB 2343 - H AMD
By Representative
On page 48, after line 9, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 506. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
$5,000,000 from the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation and $1,000,000 from the transportation fund--state appropriation are provided to the department of transportation for damage resulting from winter storms and floods. This appropriation will be allotted in programs p-preservation, m-maintenance and y-public transportation and rail as determined by the department of transportation. Remaining funds may be used for flood prevention projects along highways prone to flooding."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively, correct internal references accordingly, and correct the title.
EFFECT: Provides $6 million to the department of transportation for winter storm and flood damage.
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