2345‑S AMH **** PRID 9
SHB 2345 ‑ H AMDS 354 FAILED 2-19-96
By Representative H. Sommers
On page 96, line 38, strike "115,066,000" and insert "122,674,000"
On page 97, line 2, strike "211,309,000" and insert "218,917,000"
On page 97, line 39,
strike "((314.51))304.66" and insert "314.51"
On page 117, line 32, strike "357,000,000" and insert "358,477,000"
On page 118, line 1, strike "772,742,000" and insert "773,219,000"
On page 120, line 12, strike "263,502,000" and insert "263,832,000"
On page 120, line 21, strike "539,187,000" and insert "539,517,000"
On page 120, line 24, strike "10,199,000" and insert "10,216,000"
On page 120, line 33, strike "9,421,000" and insert "9,438,000"
On page 122, line 7, strike "155,182,000" and insert "155,377,000"
On page 122, line 13, strike "307,210,000" and insert "307,405,000"
On page 123, line 29, strike "37,824,000" and insert "37,880,000"
On page 123, line 32, strike "75,374,000" and insert "75,430,000"
On page 124, line 18, strike "34,827,000" and insert "34,876,000"
On page 124, line 23, strike "68,613,000" and insert "68,662,000"
On page 125, line 6, strike "18,722,000" and insert "18,752,000"
On page 125, line 8, strike "37,158,000" and insert "37,188,000"
On page 125, line 27, strike "43,603,000" and insert "43,662,000"
On page 125, line 30, strike "86,336,000" and insert "86,395,000"
On page 126, line 19, strike "2,092,000" and insert "2,095,000"
On page 126, line 22, strike "5,128,000" and insert "5,131,000"
On page 134, line 11, strike "5,162,000" and insert "3,719,000"
On page 134, line 12, strike "1,929,000" and insert "1,394,000"
On page 134, line 13, strike "4,396,000" and insert "3,203,000"
On page 134, line 16, strike "294.61" and insert "298.78"
On page 134, beginning on line 24, strike "3.09" and insert "2.08"
On page 134, line 29, after "plans" insert ", except as provided in (d) of this subsection"
On page 134, line 35, after "competition." insert "Beginning July 1, 1996:
(i) The nine plans that, on a state-wide basis, are the lowest-cost shall be offered by the public employees' benefits board at no cost to eligible employees, their children, and their spouses.
(ii) In those areas of the state without access to any of the nine lowest-cost plans, the public employees' benefits board shall offer at least one plan at no cost to eligible employees, their children, and their spouses. The plans offered at no cost shall be plans for which the charge during fiscal year 1996 did not exceed $20 for an employee, spouse, and children.
It is the intention of the legislature to require in the 1997-99 omnibus appropriations act the public employees' benefits board to make available a free plan to every eligible employee, child, and spouse."
On page 135, line 39,
strike "((10,000)) 6,630" and insert
On page 136, line 4,
strike "$((7.36)) 9.25" and insert "$7.36"
EFFECT: Amendment changes funding of employee health benefits: (a) Restores health benefit allocations for public school employees to $314.51 per month per full time equivalent employee as in the (original) biennial budget adopted by the 1995 Legislature. Increases SHB 2345 by $7,608,000 General Fund-State. (b) Increases the state and higher education employee health benefit allocation to a total of $301.46 per month per full time equivalent employee. Increases SHB 2345 by $2,643,000 General Fund-State and $1,728,000 Other Funds. (c) Beginning July 1, 1996, reduces state and higher education employee cost sharing for health benefits by requiring the Public Employees' Benefits Board (PEBB) to offer at least one free health benefits plan to all employees, statewide. Declares Legislative intent to require the PEBB to offer a free plan to all employees in the 1997-99 biennium. Total cost is $5,900,000 Other Funds.
Increases General Fund-State by $10,251,000.
Increases Other Funds by $7,628,000.