SHB 2345 ‑ H AMDS 341 FAILED 2-19-96
By Representative Grant
On page 82, line 9, strike "42,269,000" and insert "32,369,000"
On page 82, line 18, strike "104,811,000" and insert "94,911,000"
Beginning on page 85, line 35, strike all of subsection (q) and insert the following: "(q) $100,000 of the general fund - state appropriation is provided for a study of approaches using technology to enhance student learning:
(i) The study will examine approaches using technology to enhance learning, including:
(A) identifying current "best practices" in Washington state, other states and internationally and;
(B) future approaches, with special attention to the Internet and methods which may use hardware other than mainframe, desktop or laptop computers.
(ii) The study will also analyze implementation issues including:
(A) financing, with special attention to:
(1) students and families with limited means to lease or purchase the technology, and how to integrate equipment and software already owned by students;
(2) feasibility, costs, and to what extent schools and homes use current or emerging communication systems in schools and students' homes to connect to outside sources of information and other learning tools;
(3) costs of various financing options to participating companies, school districts and the state;
(4) policies and costs related to maintenance, theft, loss and damage to equipment and software; and
(5) the capacity of technology companies and other partners to provide in-kind services to all k-12 students.
(B) new classroom related curriculum changes and specifics of training teachers and classroom assistants to teach students the new curriculum associated with using technology; and
(C) how this program integrates with education reform.
The superintendent of public instruction shall appoint a technology education committee to develop the study and shall provide necessary staff assistance to the committee. The committee shall consist of five representatives from technology companies, five technology coordinators representing educational service districts, five parents, five students and five school district representatives. Committee members shall recommend to the superintendent of public education a budget for funds appropriated in this subsection and serve without additional compensation but shall be eligible for per diem and mileage allowances pursuant to RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060. The study shall be presented to the education and fiscal committees of the house and senate by December 20, 1996."
EFFECT: Replaces the proposed $10 million technology grant program with a study of potential approaches to using technology in the K-12 system. Provides $100,000 for the study.
Reduces General Fund-State by $9,900,000.