5082‑S2 AMH LJ PERR 115
By Representative Sheahan
By Committee on Law & Justice
On page 1, line 14, strike
"breath test program" and insert "((breath test program))
for grants and activities to increase the conviction rate and decrease the
incidence of persons driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs"
On page 2, line 12, after "shall" insert ", through June 30, 1997,"
On page 2, line 12, strike "Fifteen" and insert "Fifty"
On page 2, line 16, strike "eighty-five" and insert "fifty"
On page 2, line 17, strike
"the Washington state patrol breath test program" and insert "((the
Washington state patrol breath test program)) activities to increase the
conviction rate and decrease the incidence of persons driving under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. Effective July 1, 1997, the remainder of the
fee shall be forwarded to the state treasurer who shall deposit: Fifteen
percent in the death investigation account to be used solely for funding the
state toxicology laboratory blood or breath testing programs; and eighty-five
percent in the state patrol highway account to be used solely for funding
activities to increase the conviction rate and decrease the incidence of
persons driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs"
On page 5, line 8, strike all of section 6
Renumber the remaining sections, correct internal references, and correct the title accordingly.
EFFECT: Expands the uses to which the state patrol's share of the $125 fee may be put to include grants and activities related to DUI reduction.
Until July 1, 1997, changes the split of the 60% of the $125 fee that goes to the death investigations account for the state toxicology lab and to the state patrol highway account for DUI reduction programs. Instead of 15% (of the 60%) going to the death investigations account, and 85% (of the 60%) going to the highway account, the 60% from the $125 will be split 50%-50% between the two accounts.
The increase in the fee for a copy of a birth or death certificate is removed.