5087 AMH CHAN H3086.1
SB 5087 - H AMD 871 WITHDRAWN 4/14/95
By Representatives Chandler and Mastin
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature recognizes that judicial review of certain environmental and land use appeals can be expedited to benefit the people of the state. Allowing direct appeals to superior court or the court of appeals can reduce backlogs, conserve resources, and provide quicker guidance to individuals and communities concerning important matters impacting their area. The legislature therefore finds that it is in the public interest to reduce delays in obtaining a final resolution over certain environmental and land use matters by streamlining the judicial appeals process.
Sec. 2. RCW 34.05.514 and 1994 c 257 s 23 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided
in subsections (2) and (3) of this section ((and RCW
36.70A.300(3))), proceedings for review under this chapter shall be
instituted by filing a petition in the superior court, at the petitioner's
option, for (a) Thurston county, (b) the county of the petitioner's residence
or principal place of business, or (c) in any county where the property owned
by the petitioner and affected by the contested decision is located.
(2) For proceedings involving institutions of higher education, the petition shall be filed either in the county in which the principal office of the institution involved is located or in the county of a branch campus if the action involves such branch.
(3) For proceedings involving water quantity decisions made by the department of ecology, as defined in section 14 of this act, the petition shall be filed in the superior court in the county that will be directly and immediately affected by the decision.
Sec. 3. RCW 43.21B.110 and 1993 c 387 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The pollution control hearings board shall only have jurisdiction to hear and decide appeals from the following decisions of the department, the director, the administrator of the office of marine safety, and the air pollution control boards or authorities as established pursuant to chapter 70.94 RCW, or local health departments:
(a) Civil penalties imposed pursuant to RCW 18.104.155, 70.94.431, 70.105.080, 70.107.050, 88.46.090, 90.03.600, 90.48.144, 90.56.310, and 90.56.330.
(b) Orders issued
pursuant to RCW 18.104.043, 18.104.060, 43.27A.190, 70.94.211, 70.94.332,
70.105.095, 86.16.020, 88.46.070, ((90.14.130,)) and 90.48.120.
(c) The issuance, modification, or termination of any permit, certificate, or license by the department or any air authority in the exercise of its jurisdiction, including the issuance or termination of a waste disposal permit, the denial of an application for a waste disposal permit, or the modification of the conditions or the terms of a waste disposal permit.
(d) Decisions of local health departments regarding the grant or denial of solid waste permits pursuant to chapter 70.95 RCW.
(e) Decisions of local health departments regarding the issuance and enforcement of permits to use or dispose of biosolids under RCW 70.95J.080.
(f) Any other decision by the department, the administrator of the office of marine safety, or an air authority which pursuant to law must be decided as an adjudicative proceeding under chapter 34.05 RCW.
(2) The jurisdiction of the pollution control hearings board is further limited as follows:
(a) The hearings board shall have no jurisdiction whatsoever to review water quantity decisions of the department of ecology as defined in section 14 of this act, which are appealed directly to a superior court, to review orders pertaining to the relinquishment of a water right under RCW 90.14.130, or to review proceedings regarding general adjudications of water rights conducted pursuant to chapter 90.03 or 90.44 RCW.
(b) The following hearings shall not be conducted by the hearings board:
(((a))) (i)
Hearings required by law to be conducted by the shorelines hearings board
pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW.
(((b))) (ii)
Hearings conducted by the department pursuant to RCW 70.94.332, 70.94.390,
70.94.395, 70.94.400, 70.94.405, 70.94.410, and 90.44.180.
(((c) Proceedings by
the department relating to general adjudications of water rights pursuant to
chapter 90.03 or 90.44 RCW.
(d))) (iii) Hearings conducted by the
department to adopt, modify, or repeal rules.
(3) Review of rules and regulations adopted by the hearings board shall be subject to review in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW.
Sec. 4. RCW 43.21B.130 and 1990 c 65 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
The administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW, shall apply to the appeal of rules and regulations adopted by the board to the same extent as it applied to the review of rules and regulations adopted by the directors and/or boards or commissions of the various departments whose powers, duties and functions were transferred by section 6, chapter 62, Laws of 1970 ex. sess. to the department. Except with regard to water quantity decisions by the department, as defined in section 14 of this act, which are appealed directly to a superior court and orders pertaining to the relinquishment of a water right under RCW 90.14.130, all other decisions and orders of the director and all decisions of air pollution control boards or authorities established pursuant to chapter 70.94 RCW shall be subject to review by the hearings board as provided in this chapter.
Sec. 5. RCW 43.21B.140 and 1987 c 109 s 30 are each amended to read as follows:
In all appeals over
which the hearings board has jurisdiction, a party taking an appeal may elect
either a formal or an informal hearing, such election to be made according to
rules of practice and procedure to be promulgated by the hearings board: PROVIDED,
That nothing herein shall be construed to modify the provisions of RCW
43.21B.190 ((and 43.21B.200)). In the event that appeals are taken from
the same decision, order, or determination, as the case may be, by different
parties and only one of such parties elects ((a formal)) an informal
hearing, ((a formal)) an informal hearing shall be granted.
Sec. 6. RCW 43.21B.240 and 1989 c 175 s 105 are each amended to read as follows:
The department and air
authorities shall not have authority to hold adjudicative proceedings pursuant
to the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW. ((Such)) All
other hearings, except for water quantity decisions as defined in
section 14 of this act, that are appealed directly to a superior court, and
appeals of orders pertaining to the relinquishment of a water right under RCW
90.14.130, shall be held by the pollution control hearings board.
Sec. 7. RCW 43.21B.310 and 1992 c 73 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as
provided in subsection (2) of this section, any order issued by the
department, the administrator of the office of marine safety, or authority
pursuant to RCW 70.94.211, 70.94.332, 70.105.095, 43.27A.190, 86.16.020,
88.46.070, or 90.48.120(2) or any provision enacted after July 26, 1987, or any
permit, certificate, or license issued by the department may be appealed to the
pollution control hearings board if the appeal is filed with the board and
served on the department or authority within thirty days after receipt of the
order. Except as provided under chapter 70.105D RCW, ((this is)) these
are the exclusive means of appeal of such an order.
(((2))) (a)
The department, the administrator, or the authority in its discretion may stay the
effectiveness of an order during the pendency of such an appeal.
(((3))) (b)
At any time during the pendency of an appeal of such an order to the board or
to an administrative law judge acting pursuant to RCW 34.05.425(3), the
appellant may apply pursuant to RCW 43.21B.320 to the hearings board or
administrative law judge for a stay of the order or for the removal
(((4))) (c)
Any appeal before the hearings board must contain the following in
accordance with the rules of the hearings board:
(((a))) (i)
The appellant's name and address;
(((b))) (ii)
The date and docket number of the order, permit, or license appealed;
(((c))) (iii)
A description of the substance of the order, permit, or license that is the
subject of the appeal;
(((d))) (iv)
A clear, separate, and concise statement of every error alleged to have been
(((e))) (v)
A clear and concise statement of facts upon which the requester relies to
sustain his or her statements of error; and
(((f))) (vi)
A statement setting forth the relief sought.
(((5))) (d)
Upon failure to comply with any final order of the department or the
administrator or the administrative law judge acting pursuant to RCW
34.05.425(3), the attorney general, on request of the department or the
administrator, may bring an action in the superior court of the county where
the violation occurred or the potential violation is about to occur to obtain
such relief as necessary, including injunctive relief, to insure compliance
with the order. The air authorities may bring similar actions to enforce their
(((6))) (e)
An appealable decision or order shall be identified as such and shall contain a
conspicuous notice to the recipient that it may be appealed only by filing an
appeal with the hearings board and serving it on the department within thirty
days of receipt.
(2) Water quantity decisions of the department, as defined in section 14 of this act may be appealed either to the pollution control hearings board or directly to a superior court as provided in section 14 of this act. Appeals of orders pertaining to the relinquishment of a water right shall be filed in superior court as provided by RCW 90.14.130.
Sec. 8. RCW 43.27A.190 and 1987 c 109 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
Notwithstanding and in addition to any other powers granted to the department of ecology, whenever it appears to the department that a person is violating or is about to violate any of the provisions of the following:
(1) Chapter 90.03 RCW; or
(2) Chapter 90.44 RCW; or
(3) Chapter 86.16 RCW; or
(4) Chapter 43.37 RCW; or
(5) Chapter 43.27A RCW; or
(6) Any other law relating to water resources administered by the department; or
(7) A rule or
regulation adopted, or a directive or order issued by the department relating
to subsections (1) through (6) of this section; the department may cause a
written regulatory order to be served upon ((said)) the person
either personally, or by registered or certified mail delivered to addressee
only with return receipt requested and acknowledged by him or her. The
order shall specify the provision of the statute, rule, regulation, directive
or order alleged to be or about to be violated, and the facts upon which the
conclusion of violating or potential violation is based, and shall order the
act constituting the violation or the potential violation to cease and desist
or, in appropriate cases, shall order necessary corrective action to be taken with
regard to such acts within a specific and reasonable time. The regulation of a
headgate or controlling works as provided in RCW 90.03.070, by a watermaster,
stream patrolman, or other person so authorized by the department shall
constitute a regulatory order within the meaning of this section. A regulatory
order issued hereunder shall become effective immediately upon receipt by the
person to whom the order is directed, except for regulations under RCW
90.03.070 which shall become effective when a written notice is attached as
provided therein. Any person aggrieved by such order may appeal the order
pursuant to RCW 43.21B.310 unless the order is a water quantity decision of
the department,as defined in section 14 of this act, in which case it may be appealed
either to the pollution control hearings board or directly to a superior court
as provided in section 14 of this act.
Sec. 9. RCW 90.03.383 and 1991 c 350 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The legislature recognizes the value of interties for improving the reliability of public water systems, enhancing their management, and more efficiently utilizing the increasingly limited resource. Given the continued growth in the most populous areas of the state, the increased complexity of public water supply management, and the trend toward regional planning and regional solutions to resource issues, interconnections of public water systems through interties provide a valuable tool to ensure reliable public water supplies for the citizens of the state. Public water systems have been encouraged in the past to utilize interties to achieve public health and resource management objectives. The legislature finds that it is in the public interest to recognize interties existing and in use as of January 1, 1991, and to have associated water rights modified by the department of ecology to reflect current use of water through those interties, pursuant to subsection (3) of this section. The legislature further finds it in the public interest to develop a coordinated process to review proposals for interties commencing use after January 1, 1991.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Interties" are interconnections between public water systems permitting exchange or delivery of water between those systems for other than emergency supply purposes, where such exchange or delivery is within established instantaneous and annual withdrawal rates specified in the systems' existing water right permits or certificates, or contained in claims filed pursuant to chapter 90.14 RCW, and which results in better management of public water supply consistent with existing rights and obligations. Interties include interconnections between public water systems permitting exchange or delivery of water to serve as primary or secondary sources of supply, but do not include development of new sources of supply to meet future demand.
(b) "Service area" is the area designated in a water system plan or a coordinated water system plan pursuant to chapter 43.20 or 70.116 RCW respectively. When a public water system does not have a designated service area subject to the approval process of those chapters, the service area shall be the designated place of use contained in the water right permit or certificate, or contained in the claim filed pursuant to chapter 90.14 RCW.
(3) Public water systems with interties existing and in use as of January 1, 1991, or that have received written approval from the department of health prior to that date, shall file written notice of those interties with the department of health and the department of ecology. The notice may be incorporated into the public water system's five-year update of its water system plan, but shall be filed no later than June 30, 1996. The notice shall identify the location of the intertie; the dates of its first use; the purpose, capacity, and current use; the intertie agreement of the parties and the service areas assigned; and other information reasonably necessary to modify the water right permit. Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 90.03.380 and 90.44.100, for public water systems with interties existing and in use as of January 1, 1991, the department of ecology, upon receipt of notice meeting the requirements of this subsection, shall, as soon as practicable, modify the place of use descriptions in the water right permits, certificates, or claims to reflect the actual use through such interties, provided that the place of use is within service area designations established in a water system plan approved pursuant to chapter 43.20 RCW, or a coordinated water system plan approved pursuant to chapter 70.116 RCW, and further provided that the water used is within the instantaneous and annual withdrawal rates specified in the water right permit and that no outstanding complaints of impairment to existing water rights have been filed with the department of ecology prior to September 1, 1991. Where such complaints of impairment have been received, the department of ecology shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve them in a timely manner through agreement of the parties or through available administrative remedies.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 90.03.380 and 90.44.100, exchange or delivery of water through interties commencing use after January 1, 1991, shall be permitted when the intertie improves overall system reliability, enhances the manageability of the systems, provides opportunities for conjunctive use, or delays or avoids the need to develop new water sources, and otherwise meets the requirements of this section, provided that each public water system's water use shall not exceed the instantaneous or annual withdrawal rate specified in its water right authorization, shall not adversely affect existing water rights, and shall not be inconsistent with state-approved plans such as water system plans or other plans which include specific proposals for construction of interties. Interties commencing use after January 1, 1991, shall not be inconsistent with regional water resource plans developed pursuant to chapter 90.54 RCW.
(5) For public water systems subject to the approval process of chapter 43.20 RCW or chapter 70.116 RCW, proposals for interties commencing use after January 1, 1991, shall be incorporated into water system plans pursuant to chapter 43.20 RCW or coordinated water system plans pursuant to chapter 70.116 RCW and submitted to the department of health and the department of ecology for review and approval as provided for in subsections (5) through (9) of this section. The plan shall state how the proposed intertie will improve overall system reliability, enhance the manageability of the systems, provide opportunities for conjunctive use, or delay or avoid the need to develop new water sources.
(6) The department of health shall be responsible for review and approval of proposals for new interties. In its review the department of health shall determine whether the intertie satisfies the criteria of subsection (4) of this section, with the exception of water rights considerations, which are the responsibility of the department of ecology, and shall determine whether the intertie is necessary to address emergent public health or safety concerns associated with public water supply.
(7) If the intertie is determined by the department of health to be necessary to address emergent public health or safety concerns associated with public water supply, the public water system shall amend its water system plan as required and shall file an application with the department of ecology to change its existing water right to reflect the proposed use of the water as described in the approved water system plan. The department of ecology shall process the application for change pursuant to RCW 90.03.380 or 90.44.100 as appropriate, except that, notwithstanding the requirements of those sections regarding notice and protest periods, applicants shall be required to publish notice one time, and the comment period shall be fifteen days from the date of publication of the notice. Within sixty days of receiving the application, the department of ecology shall issue findings and advise the department of health if existing water rights are determined to be adversely affected. If no determination is provided by the department of ecology within the sixty-day period, the department of health shall proceed as if existing rights are not adversely affected by the proposed intertie. The department of ecology may obtain an extension of the sixty-day period by submitting written notice to the department of health and to the applicant indicating a definite date by which its determination will be made. No additional extensions shall be granted, and in no event shall the total review period for the department of ecology exceed one hundred eighty days.
(8) If the department
of health determines the proposed intertie appears to meet the requirements of
subsection (4) of this section but is not necessary to address emergent public
health or safety concerns associated with public water supply, the department
of health shall instruct the applicant to submit to the department of ecology
an application for change to the underlying water right or claim as necessary
to reflect the new place of use. The department of ecology shall consider the
applications pursuant to the provisions of RCW 90.03.380 and 90.44.100 as
appropriate. If in its review of proposed interties and associated water
rights the department of ecology determines that additional information is
required to act on the application, the department may request applicants to
provide information necessary for its decision, consistent with agency rules
and written guidelines. Parties disagreeing with the decision of the
department of ecology ((on)) to approve or deny the application
for change in place of use may appeal the decision to the pollution control
hearings board or directly to a superior court as provided in section 14 of
this act.
(9) The department of health may approve plans containing intertie proposals prior to the department of ecology's decision on the water right application for change in place of use. However, notwithstanding such approval, construction work on the intertie shall not begin until the department of ecology issues the appropriate water right document to the applicant consistent with the approved plan.
Sec. 10. RCW 90.14.130 and 1987 c 109 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
When it appears to the
department of ecology that a person entitled to the use of water has not
beneficially used his or her water right or some portion thereof, and it
appears that ((said)) the right has or may have reverted to the
state because of such nonuse, as provided by RCW 90.14.160, 90.14.170, or
90.14.180, the department of ecology shall notify such person by order:
PROVIDED, That where a company, association, district, or the United States has
filed a blanket claim under the provisions of RCW 90.14.060 for the total
benefits of those served by it, the notice shall be served on such company,
association, district or the United States and not upon any of its individual
water users who may not have used the water or some portion thereof which they
were entitled to use. The order shall contain: (1) A description of the water
right, including the approximate location of the point of diversion, the
general description of the lands or places where such waters were used, the
water source, the amount involved, the purpose of use, and the apparent
authority upon which the right is based; (2) a statement that unless sufficient
cause be shown on appeal the water right will be declared relinquished; and (3)
a statement that such order may be appealed to ((the pollution control
hearings board)) superior court. Any person aggrieved by such an
order may appeal it to ((the pollution control hearings board pursuant to
RCW 43.21B.310)) the superior court in the county where the land is
located upon which the water was used. Any such appeal to superior court shall
be de novo. The order shall be served by registered or certified mail to
the last known address of the person and be posted at the point of division or
withdrawal. The order by itself shall not alter the recipient's right to use
water, if any.
Sec. 11. RCW 90.14.190 and 1987 c 109 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
Any person feeling
aggrieved by any decision of the department of ecology may have the same
reviewed by the pollution control hearings board or directly to a superior
court pursuant to ((RCW 43.21B.310)) section 22 of this act.
In any such review, the findings of fact as set forth in the report of the
department of ecology shall be prima facie evidence of the fact of any waiver
or relinquishment of a water right or portion thereof. If the hearings board
affirms the decision of the department, a party seeks review in superior court
of that hearings board decision pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW, and the court
determines that the party was injured by an arbitrary, capricious, or erroneous
order of the department, the court may award reasonable attorneys' fees. Any
order regarding the relinquishment of a water right shall be appealed pursuant
to RCW 90.14.130.
Sec. 12. RCW 90.14.200 and 1989 c 175 s 180 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) All matters
relating to the implementation and enforcement of this chapter by the
department of ecology shall be carried out in accordance with chapter 34.05
RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act, except where the provisions of this
chapter expressly conflict with chapter 34.05 RCW. Proceedings held pursuant
to RCW 90.14.130 are ((adjudicative proceedings within the meaning of
chapter 34.05 RCW. Final decisions of the department of ecology in these
proceedings)) appealable to superior court as provided in that section.
Other final decisions of the department of ecology under this chapter are
subject to review by the pollution control hearings board or a superior
court in accordance with ((chapter 43.21B RCW)) section 14 of
this act.
(2) RCW 90.14.130 provides nonexclusive procedures for determining a relinquishment of water rights under RCW 90.14.160, 90.14.170, and 90.14.180. RCW 90.14.160, 90.14.170, and 90.14.180 may be applied in, among other proceedings, general adjudication proceedings initiated under RCW 90.03.110 or 90.44.220: PROVIDED, That nothing herein shall apply to litigation involving determinations of the department of ecology under RCW 90.03.290 relating to the impairment of existing rights.
Sec. 13. RCW 90.66.080 and 1979 c 3 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
The department is
hereby empowered to promulgate such rules as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of this chapter. Decisions of the department, other than rule
making, shall be subject to review by the pollution control hearings board
or a superior court in accordance with ((chapter 43.21B RCW)) section
14 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. A new section is added to chapter 43.21B RCW to read as follows:
(1) A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by a water quantity decision may appeal the decision either to the pollution control hearings board pursuant to RCW 43.21B.310 or directly to a superior court. Any direct appeal to a superior court as authorized by this section shall be de novo and must be filed in the superior court in the county that will be directly and immediately affected by the decision.
(2) For purposes of this section, a "water-related agency action" includes the following:
(a) A decision to grant or deny a permit or certificate for a right to the beneficial use of water or to amend, change, or transfer such a right;
(b) A decision to enforce the conditions of a permit for, or right to, the beneficial use of water or to require any person to discontinue the use of water; and
(c) A decision to establish a minimum flow or level for water under chapter 90.03, 90.22, or 90.54 RCW, or to reserve water for such a minimum flow or level
Sec. 15. RCW 90.58.180 and 1994 c 253 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any person aggrieved by the granting, denying, or rescinding of a permit on shorelines of the state pursuant to RCW 90.58.140 may seek review from the shorelines hearings board by filing a request for the same within thirty days of the date of filing as defined in RCW 90.58.140(6).
((Concurrently with))
Within seven days of the filing of any request for review with the board
as provided in this section pertaining to a final order of a local government,
the requestor shall ((file a copy)) serve copies of his or her
request ((with)) on the department and the attorney general. ((If
it appears to the department or the attorney general that the requestor has
valid reasons to seek review, either the department or the attorney general may
certify the request within thirty days after its receipt to the shorelines
hearings board following which the board shall then, but not otherwise, review
the matter covered by the requestor. The failure to obtain such certification
shall not preclude the requestor from obtaining a review in the superior court
under any right to review otherwise available to the requestor.)) The
department and the attorney general may intervene to protect the public
interest and insure that the provisions of this chapter are complied with at
any time within fifteen days from the date of the receipt by the department or
the attorney general of a copy of the request for review filed pursuant to this
section. ((The shorelines hearings board shall initially schedule review
proceedings on such requests for review without regard as to whether such
requests have or have not been certified or as to whether the period for the
department or the attorney general to intervene has or has not expired, unless
such review is to begin within thirty days of such scheduling. If at the end
of the thirty day period for certification neither the department nor the
attorney general has certified a request for review, the hearings board shall
remove the request from its review schedule.))
(2) The department or the attorney general may obtain review of any final order granting a permit, or granting or denying an application for a permit issued by a local government by filing a written request with the shorelines hearings board and the appropriate local government within thirty days from the date the final order was filed as provided in RCW 90.58.140(6).
(3) The review proceedings authorized in subsections (1) and (2) of this section are subject to the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW pertaining to procedures in adjudicative proceedings. Judicial review of such proceedings of the shorelines hearings board is governed by chapter 34.05 RCW.
(4) A local government may appeal to the shorelines hearings board any rules, regulations, or guidelines adopted or approved by the department within thirty days of the date of the adoption or approval. The board shall make a final decision within sixty days following the hearing held thereon.
If the board determines that the rule, regulation, or guideline:
(a) Is clearly erroneous in light of the policy of this chapter; or
(b) Constitutes an implementation of this chapter in violation of constitutional or statutory provisions; or
(c) Is arbitrary and capricious; or
(d) Was developed without fully considering and evaluating all material submitted to the department by the local government; or
(e) Was not adopted in accordance with required procedures;
the board shall enter a final decision declaring the rule, regulation, or guideline invalid, remanding the rule, regulation, or guideline to the department with a statement of the reasons in support of the determination, and directing the department to adopt, after a thorough consultation with the affected local government, a new rule, regulation, or guideline. Unless the board makes one or more of the determinations as hereinbefore provided, the board shall find the rule, regulation, or guideline to be valid and enter a final decision to that effect.
(5) Rules, regulations, and guidelines shall be subject to review in superior court, if authorized pursuant to RCW 34.05.570(2). No review shall be granted by a superior court on petition from a local government unless the local government shall first have obtained review under subsection (4) of this section and the petition for court review is filed within three months after the date of final decision by the shorelines hearings board.
Sec. 16. RCW 34.05.518 and 1988 c 288 s 503 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The final decision of an administrative agency in an adjudicative proceeding under this chapter may be directly reviewed by the court of appeals either (a) upon certification by the superior court pursuant to this section or (b) if the final decision is from an environmental board as defined in subsection (3) of this section, upon acceptance by the court of appeals after a certificate of appealability has been filed by the environmental board that rendered the final decision.
(2) For direct review upon certification by the superior court, an application for direct review must be filed with the superior court within thirty days of the filing of the petition for review in superior court. The superior court may certify a case for direct review only if the judicial review is limited to the record of the agency proceeding and the court finds that:
(((1))) (a)
Fundamental and urgent issues affecting the future administrative process or
the public interest are involved which require a prompt determination;
(((2))) (b)
Delay in obtaining a final and prompt determination of such issues would be
detrimental to any party or the public interest;
(((3))) (c)
An appeal to the court of appeals would be likely regardless of the
determination in superior court; and
(((4))) (d)
The appellate court's determination in the proceeding would have significant
precedential value.
Procedures for certification shall be established by court rule.
(3)(a) For the purposes of direct review of final decisions of environmental boards, environmental boards include those boards identified in RCW 43.21B.005 and growth management hearings boards as identified in RCW 36.70A.250.
(b) An environmental board may issue a certificate of appealability if it finds that delay in obtaining a final and prompt determination of the issues would be detrimental to any party or the public interest and either:
(i) Fundamental and urgent state-wide or regional issues are raised; or
(ii) The proceeding is likely to have significant precedential value.
(4) The environmental board shall state in the certificate of appealability which criteria it applied, explain how that criteria was met, and file with the certificate a copy of the final decision.
(5) For an appellate court to accept direct review of a final decision of an environmental board, it shall consider the same criteria outlined in subsection (3) of this section.
(6) The procedures for direct review of final decisions of environmental boards include:
(a) Within thirty days after filing the petition for review with the superior court, a party may file an application for direct review with the superior court and serve the appropriate environmental board and all parties of record. The application shall request the environmental board to file a certificate of appealability.
(b) If an issue on review is the jurisdiction of the environmental board, the board may file an application for direct review on that issue.
(c) The environmental board shall have thirty days to grant or deny the request for a certificate of appealability and its decision shall be filed with the superior court and served on all parties of record.
(d) If a certificate of appealability is issued, the parties shall have fifteen days from the date of service to file a notice of discretionary review in the superior court, and the notice shall include a copy of the certificate of appealability and a copy of the final decision.
(e) If the appellate court accepts review, the certificate of appealability shall be transmitted to the court of appeals as part of the certified record.
(f) If a certificate of appealability is denied, review shall be by the superior court. The superior court's decision may be appealed to the court of appeals.
Sec. 17. RCW 34.05.522 and 1988 c 288 s 504 are each amended to read as follows:
The court of appeals
may refuse to accept direct review of a case ((certified))
pursuant to RCW 34.05.518 if it finds that the case does not meet the
applicable standard in RCW 34.05.518(2) or (5). Rules of Appellate Procedure
2.3 do not apply in this instance. The refusal to accept such review is
not subject to further appellate review, notwithstanding anything in Rule 13.3
of the Rules of Appellate Procedure to the contrary.
Sec. 18. RCW 34.05.542 and 1988 c 288 s 509 are each amended to read as follows:
Subject to other requirements of this chapter or of another statute:
(1) A petition for judicial review of a rule may be filed at any time, except as limited by RCW 34.05.375.
(2) A petition for judicial review of an order shall be filed with the court and served on the agency, the hearings board if one is involved, the office of the attorney general, and all parties of record within thirty days after service of the final order.
(3) A petition for judicial review of agency action other than the adoption of a rule or the entry of an order is not timely unless filed with the court and served on the agency, the office of the attorney general, and all other parties of record within thirty days after the agency action, but the time is extended during any period that the petitioner did not know and was under no duty to discover or could not reasonably have discovered that the agency had taken the action or that the agency action had a sufficient effect to confer standing upon the petitioner to obtain judicial review under this chapter.
(4) Service of the petition on the agency shall be by delivery of a copy of the petition to the office of the director, or other chief administrative officer or chairperson of the agency, at the principal office of the agency. Service of a copy by mail upon the other parties of record, the hearings board if one is involved, and the office of the attorney general shall be deemed complete upon deposit in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark.
(5) Failure to timely serve a petition on the office of the attorney general or the hearings board if one is involved, is not grounds for dismissal of the petition unless the service that is provided impairs the orderly conduct of judicial process. The service so provided as to the hearings board only applies to judicial proceedings pending on the effective date of this act.
(6) For the purposes of this section, "hearings board" means and independent, quasi-judicial, multiperson entity whose sole responsibility is to determine on review in a contested matter the validity or invalidity of an order issued by another governmental entity.
Sec. 19. RCW 34.05.566 and 1989 c 175 s 26 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Within thirty days after service of the petition for judicial review, or within further time allowed by the court or by other provision of law, the agency shall transmit to the court the original or a certified copy of the agency record for judicial review of the agency action. The record shall consist of any agency documents expressing the agency action, other documents identified by the agency as having been considered by it before its action and used as a basis for its action, and any other material described in this chapter as the agency record for the type of agency action at issue, subject to the provisions of this section.
(2) If part of the record has been preserved without a transcript, the agency shall prepare a transcript for inclusion in the record transmitted to the court, except for portions that the parties stipulate to omit in accordance with subsection (4) of this section.
(3) The agency may charge a nonindigent petitioner with the reasonable costs of preparing any necessary copies and transcripts for transmittal to the court. A failure by the petitioner to pay any of this cost to the agency relieves the agency from the responsibility for preparation of the record and transmittal to the court.
(4) The record may be shortened, summarized, or organized temporarily or, by stipulation of all parties, permanently.
(5) The court may tax the cost of preparing transcripts and copies of the record:
(a) Against a party who unreasonably refuses to stipulate to shorten, summarize, or organize the record; or
(b) In accordance with any provision of law.
(6) Additions to the record pursuant to RCW 34.05.562 must be made as ordered by the court.
(7) The court may require or permit subsequent corrections or additions to the record.
(8) For the purposes of this section, agency includes hearing board as defined in RCW 34.05.542(6).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 20. It is the intent of the legislature through the enactment of section 18 of this act to clarify the filing procedures in RCW 34.05.542. Section 18 of this act is remedial in nature and applies to all judicial proceedings pending on the effective date of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 21. A new section is added to chapter 43.21B RCW to read as follows:
The hearings board shall ensure that a hearing pertaining to a water quantity decision, as defined in section 14 of this act, shall be conducted in the general area where the petitioner resides, or provide for the hearing to be conducted by telephone. A single member of the board may conduct such hearings.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 22. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 23. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately."
SB 5087 - H AMD
By Representative Chandler
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "boards;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 34.05.514, 43.21B.110, 43.21B.130, 43.21B.240, 43.21B.310, 43.27A.190, 90.03.383, 90.14.130, 90.14.190, 90.14.200, 90.66.080, 90.58.180, 34.05.542, 34.05.518, 34.05.522, 34.05.542, and 34.05.566; adding new sections to chapter 43.21B RCW; creating new sections; and declaring an emergency."
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