5157-S2 AMH HATF H2936.1
2SSB 5157 - H AMDS ADOPTED 4/10/95
By Representative Hatfield and others
On page 1, after line 14, insert the following:
"The legislature further declares that the establishment of other incentives for commercial fishing and fish processing in Washington will complement the program of selective harvest in mixed stock fisheries anticipated by this legislation."
On page 2, after line 28, insert the following:
"Sec. 4. RCW 75.08.011 and 1994 c 255 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
As used in this title or rules of the director, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Director" means the director of fish and wildlife.
(2) "Department" means the department of fish and wildlife.
(3) "Person" means an individual or a public or private entity or organization. The term "person" includes local, state, and federal government agencies, and all business organizations, including corporations and partnerships.
(4) "Fisheries patrol officer" means a person appointed and commissioned by the director, with authority to enforce this title, rules of the director, and other statutes as prescribed by the legislature. Fisheries patrol officers are peace officers.
(5) "Ex officio fisheries patrol officer" means a commissioned officer of a municipal, county, state, or federal agency having as its primary function the enforcement of criminal laws in general, while the officer is in the appropriate jurisdiction. The term "ex officio fisheries patrol officer" also includes wildlife agents, special agents of the national marine fisheries service, United States fish and wildlife special agents, state parks commissioned officers, department of natural resources enforcement officers, and United States forest service officers, while the agents and officers are within their respective jurisdictions.
(6) "To fish," "to harvest," and "to take" and their derivatives mean an effort to kill, injure, harass, or catch food fish or shellfish.
(7) "State waters" means all marine waters and fresh waters within ordinary high water lines and within the territorial boundaries of the state.
(8) "Offshore waters" means marine waters of the Pacific Ocean outside the territorial boundaries of the state, including the marine waters of other states and countries.
(9) "Concurrent waters of the Columbia river" means those waters of the Columbia river that coincide with the Washington-Oregon state boundary.
(10) "Resident" means a person who has maintained a permanent place of abode within the state for at least ninety days immediately preceding an application for a license, has established by formal evidence an intent to continue residing within the state, and who is not licensed to hunt or fish as a resident in another state.
(11) "Nonresident" means a person who has not fulfilled the qualifications of a resident.
(12) "Food fish" means those species of the classes:
(a) Osteichthyes, except all species of tuna, mackerel, and jack;
(b) Agnatha((,));
(c) Chondrichthyes
that have been classified and that shall not be fished for except as authorized by rule of the director. The term "food fish" includes all stages of development and the bodily parts of food fish species.
(13) "Shellfish" means those species of marine and freshwater invertebrates that have been classified and that shall not be taken except as authorized by rule of the director. The term "shellfish" includes all stages of development and the bodily parts of shellfish species.
(14) "Salmon" means all species of the genus Oncorhynchus, except those classified as game fish in Title 77 RCW, and includes:
Scientific Name Common Name
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon
Oncorhynchus keta Chum salmon
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Pink salmon
Oncorhynchus nerka Sockeye salmon
(15) "Commercial" means related to or connected with buying, selling, or bartering. Fishing for food fish or shellfish with gear unlawful for fishing for personal use, or possessing food fish or shellfish in excess of the limits permitted for personal use are commercial activities.
(16) "To process" and its derivatives mean preparing or preserving food fish or shellfish.
(17) "Personal use" means for the private use of the individual taking the food fish or shellfish and not for sale or barter.
(18) "Angling gear" means a line attached to a rod and reel capable of being held in hand while landing the fish or a hand-held line operated without rod or reel.
(19) "Open season" means those times, manners of taking, and places or waters established by rule of the director for the lawful fishing, taking, or possession of food fish or shellfish. "Open season" includes the first and last days of the established time.
(20) "Fishery" means the taking of one or more particular species of food fish or shellfish with particular gear in a particular geographical area.
(21) "Limited-entry license" means a license subject to a license limitation program established in chapter 75.30 RCW.
(22) "Seaweed" means marine aquatic plant species that are dependent upon the marine aquatic or tidal environment, and exist in either an attached or free floating form, and includes but is not limited to marine aquatic plants in the classes Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta.
Sec. 5. RCW 82.27.010 and 1985 c 413 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Enhanced food
fish" includes all species of food fish, except all species of tuna,
mackerel, and jack; shellfish((,)); and anadromous game fish,
including byproducts and parts thereof, originating within the territorial and
adjacent waters of Washington and salmon originating from within the
territorial and adjacent waters of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia,
and all troll-caught Chinook salmon originating from within the territorial and
adjacent waters of southeast Alaska. As used in this subsection,
"adjacent" waters of Oregon, Washington, and Alaska are those comprising
the United States fish conservation zone; "adjacent" waters of
British Columbia are those comprising the Canadian two hundred mile exclusive
economic zone; and "southeast Alaska" means that portion of Alaska
south and east of Cape Suckling to the Canadian border. For purposes of this
chapter, point of origination is established by a document which identifies the
product and state or province in which it originates, including, but not
limited to fish tickets, bills of lading, invoices, or other documentation
required to be kept by governmental agencies.
(2) "Commercial" means related to or connected with buying, selling, bartering, or processing.
(3) "Possession" means the control of enhanced food fish by the owner and includes both actual and constructive possession. Constructive possession occurs when the person has legal ownership but not actual possession of the enhanced food fish.
(4) "Anadromous game fish" means steelhead trout and anadromous cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden char and includes byproducts and also parts of anadromous game fish, whether fresh, frozen, canned, or otherwise.
(5) "Landed" means the act of physically placing enhanced food fish (a) on a tender in the territorial waters of Washington; or (b) on any land within or without the state of Washington including wharves, piers, or any such extensions therefrom.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to Title 75 RCW to read as follows:
The department may require the reporting of catch data and other relevant data for the commercial landing of tuna, mackerel, and jack."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct internal references accordingly.
2SSB 5157 - H AMDS
By Representative Hatfield
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "salmon;" insert "amending RCW 75.08.011 and 82.27.010;"
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