5431-S AMH HYME H2928.1
SSB 5431 - H AMD 703 ADOPTED 4/12/95
By Representative Hymes and others
On page 2, after line 2, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 43.70 RCW to read as follows:
(1) To promote the public interest consistent with the purposes of chapter 492, Laws of 1993 as amended by chapter . . ., Laws of 1995 (this act), the department shall continue to require hospitals to submit hospital financial and patient discharge information, which shall be collected, maintained, analyzed, and disseminated by the department. The department may, if deemed cost-effective and efficient, contract with a private entity for any or all parts of data collection. Data elements shall be reported in conformance with a uniform reporting system established by the department. This includes data elements identifying each hospital's revenues, expenses, contractual allowances, charity care, bad debt, other income, total units of inpatient and outpatient services, and other financial information reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes of chapter 492, Laws of 1993 as amended by chapter . . ., Laws of 1995 (this act). Data elements relating to use of hospital services by patients shall be the same as those currently compiled by hospitals through inpatient discharge abstracts. The department shall encourage and permit reporting by electronic transmission or hard copy as is practical and economical to reporters.
(2) In identifying financial reporting requirements, the department may require both annual reports and condensed quarterly reports from hospitals, so as to achieve both accuracy and timeliness in reporting, but shall craft such requirements with due regard of the data reporting burdens of hospitals.
(3) The health care data collected, maintained, and studied by the department shall only be available for retrieval in original or processed form to public and private requestors and shall be available within a reasonable period of time after the date of request. The cost of retrieving data for state officials and agencies shall be funded through the state general appropriation. The cost of retrieving data for individuals and organizations engaged in research or private use of data or studies shall be funded by a fee schedule developed by the department that reflects the direct cost of retrieving the data or study in the requested form.
(4) All persons subject to chapter 492, Laws of 1993 shall comply with departmental requirements established by rule in the acquisition of data.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 43.70 RCW to read as follows:
HEALTH CARE QUALITY‑-FINDINGS AND INTENT. The legislature finds that it is difficult for consumers of health care services to determine the quality of health care in rural areas and other parts of the state prior to purchase or utilization of medical care. The legislature also finds that accountability is a key component in promoting quality assurance and quality improvement throughout the health care delivery system, including public programs. Quality assurance and improvement standards are necessary to promote the public interest, contribute to cost efficiencies, and improve the ability of consumers to ascertain quality health care purchases.
The legislature intends to have consumers, health carriers, health care providers and facilities, and public agencies participate in the development of quality assurance and improvement standards that can be used to develop a uniform quality assurance program for use by all public and private health plans, providers, and facilities. To that end, in conducting the study required under section 3 of this act, the department of health shall:
(1) Consider the needs of consumers, employers, health care providers and facilities, and public and private health plans;
(2) Take full advantage of existing national standards of quality assurance to extend to middle-income populations the protections required for state management of health programs for low-income populations;
(3) Consider the appropriate minimum level of quality assurance standards that should be disclosed to consumers and employers by health care providers and facilities, and public and private health plans; and
(4) Consider standards that permit health care providers and facilities to share responsibility for participation in a uniform quality assurance program.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 43.70 RCW to read as follows:
UNIFORM QUALITY ASSURANCE. (1) The department of health shall study the feasibility of a uniform quality assurance and improvement program for use by all public and private health plans and health care providers and facilities in rural areas and other parts of the state. In this study, the department shall consult with:
(a) Public and private purchasers of health care services;
(b) Health carriers;
(c) Health care providers and facilities; and
(d) Consumers of health services.
(2) In conducting the study, the department shall adopt standards that meet the needs of affected persons and organizations, whether public or private, without creation of differing levels of quality assurance. All consumers of health services should be afforded the same level of quality assurance.
(3) At a minimum, the study shall include but not be limited to the following program components and indicators appropriate for consumer disclosure:
(a) Health care provider training, credentialing, and licensure standards;
(b) Health care facility credentialing and recredentialing;
(c) Staff ratios in health care facilities;
(d) Annual mortality and morbidity rates of cases based on a defined set of procedures performed or diagnoses treated in health care facilities, adjusted to fairly consider variable factors such as patient demographics and case severity;
(e) The average total cost and average length of hospital stay for a defined set of procedures and diagnoses in health care facilities;
(f) The total number of the defined set of procedures, by specialty, performed by each physician at a health care facility within the previous twelve months;
(g) Utilization performance profiles by provider, both primary care and specialty care, that have been adjusted to fairly consider variable factors such as patient demographics and severity of case;
(h) Health plan fiscal performance standards;
(i) Health care provider and facility recordkeeping and reporting standards;
(j) Health care utilization management that monitors trends in health service under-utilization, as well as over-utilization of services;
(k) Health monitoring that is responsive to consumer and purchaser needs; and
(l) Assessment of consumer satisfaction and disclosure of consumer survey results.
(4) In conducting the study, the department shall develop standards that permit each health care facility, provider group, or health carrier to assume responsibility for and determine the physical method of collection, storage, and assimilation of quality indicators for consumer disclosure. The study may define the forms, frequency, and posting requirements for disclosure of information.
(5) The department shall submit its final report and recommendations to the legislature by December 31, 1995.
(6) The department shall not adopt any rule implementing the uniform quality assurance program or consumer disclosure provisions unless expressly directed to do so by an act of law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 43.70 RCW to read as follows:
QUALITY ASSURANCE‑-INTERAGENCY COOPERATION--ELIMINATION AND COORDINATION OF DUPLICATE STATE PROGRAMS. No later than July 1, 1995, the department of health together with the health care authority, the department of social and health services, the office of the insurance commissioner, and the department of labor and industries shall form an interagency group for coordination and consultation on quality assurance activities and collaboration on final recommendations for the study required under section 3 of this act. By December 31, 1995, the group shall review all state agency programs governing health service quality assurance and shall recommend to the legislature, the consolidation, coordination, or elimination of rules and programs that would be made unnecessary pursuant to the development of a uniform quality assurance and improvement program."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively, correct internal references accordingly, and correct the title.
EFFECT: Adds language to maintain The Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System (CHARS) [repealed in a previously adopted measure.] Requires the Department of Health (DOH) to study the feasibility of a uniform quality assurance and improvement program. In doing so, DOH must consult with consumers, health carriers, health care providers and facilities, and public agencies. DOH must submit its final report and recommendations to the Legislature by December 31, 1995, but cannot adopt any related rules unless expressly directed to do so by an act of law. Requires DOH, by July 1, 1995, to form an interagency group with the Health Care Authority, the Department of Social and Health Services, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, and the Department of Labor and Industries for coordination and consultation on quality assurance activities.
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