ESB 5770 ‑H AMD TO H COMM AMD(5770.E AMH CL CORD 1)771ADPT4/12
By Representative Lisk
On page 1, beginning on line 15 of the amendment, strike all of subsections (2) and (3) and insert the following:
"(2) An individual shall be considered to be in training with the approval of the commissioner if the individual is one who:
(a)(i) The commissioner determines to be a dislocated worker as defined by RCW 50.04.075; or
(ii) Fits the department's profile of
unemployed workers who are likely to exhaust their benefits; and ((who))
(b) Is satisfactorily progressing in
a training program approved by the commissioner ((shall be considered to be
in training with the approval of the commissioner)).
(3) At the time of filing for an initial determination, individuals determined to be dislocated workers as defined in RCW 50.04.075 or who fit the department's profile of unemployed workers who are likely to exhaust their benefits shall be provided with information concerning the opportunity, if the individual is otherwise eligible, to receive benefits while satisfactorily progressing in training approved by the commissioner."
EFFECT: The amendment deletes "long-term unemployed" persons from the list of additional categories of persons who may be considered to be in commissioner-approved training if they are satisfactorily progressing in training. The amendment also requires information concerning the opportunity for commissioner-approved training to be given to dislocated workers as well as persons likely to exhaust benefits.