6189-S AMH LJ H5299.1
SSB 6189 - H COMM AMD ADOPTED 2-28-96
By Committee on Law & Justice
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. In order to implement the constitutional guarantee of counsel and to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of the indigent appellate services funded by the state of Washington, an office of public defense is established as an independent agency of the judicial branch.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. The supreme court shall appoint the director of the office of public defense from a list of three names submitted by the advisory committee created under section 4 of this act. Qualifications shall include admission to the practice of law in this state for at least five years, experience in the representation of persons accused of a crime, and proven managerial or supervisory experience. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the supreme court and receive a salary to be fixed by the advisory committee.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The director, under the supervision and direction of the advisory committee, shall:
(1) Administer all criminal appellate indigent defense services;
(2) Submit a biennial budget for all costs related to state appellate indigent defense;
(3) Establish administrative procedures, standards, and guidelines for the program including a cost-efficient system that provides for recovery of costs;
(4) Recommend criteria and standards for determining and verifying indigency. In recommending criteria for determining indigency, the director shall compile and review the indigency standards used by other state agencies and shall periodically submit the compilation and report to the legislature on the appropriateness and consistency of such standards;
(5) Collect information regarding indigency cases funded by the state and report annually to the legislature and the supreme court;
(6) Coordinate with the supreme court and the judges of each division of the court of appeals to determine how attorney services should be provided.
The office of public defense shall not provide direct representation of clients.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. (1) There is created an advisory committee consisting of the following members:
(a) Three persons appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court, including the chair of the appellate indigent defense commission identified in subsection (3) of this section;
(b) Two nonattorneys appointed by the governor;
(c) Two senators, one from each of the two largest caucuses, appointed by the president of the senate; and two members of the house of representatives, one from each of the two largest caucuses, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;
(d) One person appointed by the court of appeals executive committee;
(e) One person appointed by the Washington state bar association.
(2) During the term of his or her appointment, no appointee may: (a) Provide indigent defense services except on a pro bono basis; (b) serve as an appellate judge or an appellate court employee; or (c) serve as a prosecutor or prosecutor employee.
(3) The initial advisory committee shall be comprised of the current members of the appellate indigent defense commission, as established by Supreme Court Order No. 25700-B, dated March 9, 1995, plus two additional legislator members appointed under subsection (1)(c) of this section. Members shall serve until the termination of their current terms, and may be reappointed. The two additional legislator members, who are not on the appellate indigent defense commission, shall each serve three-year terms. Members of the advisory committee shall receive no compensation for their services as members of the commission, but may be reimbursed for travel and other expenses in accordance with rules adopted by the office of financial management.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. All employees of the office of public defense shall be exempt from state civil service under chapter 41.06 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. (1) All powers, duties, and functions of the supreme court and the office of the administrator for the courts pertaining to appellate indigent defense are transferred to the office of public defense.
(2)(a) All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or written material in the possession of the supreme court or the office of the administrator for the courts pertaining to the powers, functions, and duties transferred shall be delivered to the custody of the office of public defense. All cabinets, furniture, office equipment, motor vehicles, and other tangible property employed by the supreme court or the office of the administrator for the courts in carrying out the powers, functions, and duties transferred shall be made available to the office of public defense. All funds, credits, or other assets held in connection with the powers, functions, and duties transferred shall be assigned to the office of public defense.
(b) Any appropriations made to the supreme court or the office of the administrator for the courts for carrying out the powers, functions, and duties transferred shall, on the effective date of this section, be transferred and credited to the office of public defense.
(c) Whenever any question arises as to the transfer of any personnel, funds, books, documents, records, papers, files, equipment, or other tangible property used or held in the exercise of the powers and the performance of the duties and functions transferred, the director of financial management shall make a determination as to the proper allocation and certify the same to the state agencies concerned.
(3) All employees of the supreme court or the office of the administrator for the courts engaged in performing the powers, functions, and duties transferred are transferred to the jurisdiction of the office of public defense. All employees classified under chapter 41.06 RCW, the state civil service law, are assigned to the office of public defense to perform their usual duties upon the same terms as formerly, without any loss of rights, subject to any action that may be appropriate thereafter in accordance with the laws and rules governing state civil service.
(4) All rules and all pending business before the supreme court or the office of the administrator for the courts pertaining to the powers, functions, and duties transferred shall be continued and acted upon by the office of public defense. All existing contracts and obligations shall remain in full force and shall be performed by the office of public defense.
(5) The transfer of the powers, duties, functions, and personnel of the supreme court or the office of the administrator for the courts shall not affect the validity of any act performed before the effective date of this section.
(6) If apportionments of budgeted funds are required because of the transfers directed by this section, the director of financial management shall certify the apportionments to the agencies affected, the state auditor, and the state treasurer. Each of these shall make the appropriate transfer and adjustments in funds and appropriation accounts and equipment records in accordance with the certification.
(7) Nothing contained in this section may be construed to alter any existing collective bargaining unit or the provisions of any existing collective bargaining agreement until the agreement has expired or until the bargaining unit has been modified by action of the personnel board as provided by law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter 43.131 RCW to read as follows:
The office of public defense and its powers and duties shall be terminated on June 30, 2000, as provided in section 8 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter 43.131 RCW to read as follows:
The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective June 30, 2001:
(1) RCW 2.--.--- and 1996 c -- s 1 (section 1 of this act);
(2) RCW 2.--.--- and 1996 c -- s 2 (section 2 of this act);
(3) RCW 2.--.--- and 1996 c -- s 3 (section 3 of this act);
(4) RCW 2.--.--- and 1996 c -- s 4 (section 4 of this act); and
(5) RCW 2.--.--- and 1996 c -- s 5 (section 5 of this act).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. Sections 1 through 5 of this act shall constitute a new chapter in Title 2 RCW."
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