HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4656, by Representatives Brown, Jacobsen, Regala, Hatfield, Chappell, Costa, Grant, Valle, Rust, Ogden, Smith, Chopp, Wolfe, Mason, Veloria, Conway, Tokuda, Patterson, Reams, Mitchell, Campbell, Hickel, Cooke, Schoesler, Hankins, Lambert, Robertson, Dellwo, Cole and Dyer
WHEREAS, Children are our most precious resource and hold the future of our nation in their hands; and
WHEREAS, Many parents, including mothers and fathers, must now work outside the home to support their families and avoid dependence on welfare; and
WHEREAS, High-quality child care is essential to the health, safety, and well-being of at least one hundred fifty thousand Washington state children; and
WHEREAS, The productivity of business and state economic vitality are increasingly dependent on the availability of responsive child care services and systems; and
WHEREAS, Our state has thousands of dedicated, hard-working child care providers who work in homes, centers, and schools; and
WHEREAS, The child care providers entrusted with the care of our children earn low wages and have limited access to training; and
WHEREAS, The welfare of our children is the responsibility of individuals, community organizations, businesses, and government at the local, state, and national levels;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives recognize the value of a state-wide system of safe, quality, and affordable child care; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize and honor on this day of April 6 the valuable contribution of the thousands of professional day care providers across the state who are the foundations of our state's child care system.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4656 adopted by the House of Representatives
April 6, 1995.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk