HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4679, by Representatives Sommers, McMorris, Thibaudeau, Honeyford, Mastin, Pennington, Chappell, Smith, Wolfe, Pelesky, Kremen, Hargrove, L. Thomas, Mulliken, Robertson, Chandler, Fuhrman, Lambert, Koster, Brown, R. Fisher, Regala and Valle
WHEREAS, Nearly fifteen thousand teenage girls become pregnant in Washington each year; and
WHEREAS, Teenage pregnancy is an increasing problem, with the number of births to girls under the age of fourteen rising thirteen percent last year; and
WHEREAS, One in every ten births in Washington State occurs to adolescent girls and one in three of pregnancies among teens is a repeat pregnancy; and
WHEREAS, Teen mothers are more likely to live on public assistance than women who become mothers after age twenty; and
WHEREAS, The 1994 Legislature created and funded the Teen Aware project which provides grants to communities for media campaigns to promote the importance of delaying sexual activity and childbearing until individuals are ready to nurture and support their children; and
WHEREAS, The Teen Aware projects are substantially designed and produced by teens; and
WHEREAS, The Teen Aware campaigns include local private sector contributions from firms involved in public relations, advertising, broadcasting, and graphics or video productions; and
WHEREAS, Students, teachers, and community members have come together in local communities throughout Washington State to cooperatively develop innovative Teen Aware efforts; and
WHEREAS, Students and teachers have participated in Teen Aware training institutes; and
WHEREAS, Students have designed creative approaches to convince their fellow students that abstinence from sexual activity is the safest and most effective approach to preventing teen pregnancy; and
WHEREAS, Students at the Tonasket Junior/Senior High School Consortium, Bethel Junior High, Centralia High School/Middle School Consortium, Choice High School/Monroe High School Consortium, Easton School, Ferndale High School, Henkle Middle School in White Salmon, Highline High/Mt. Rainier High/Pacific Middle School Consortium, Jefferson Middle School in Olympia, John Rogers High School in Spokane, Kennewick High/Tri Tech Skills Center/Desert Hills Middle School Consortium, Lakewood Junior/Senior High School Consortium, Mercer Island High School, Othello High School/McFarland Junior High Consortium, Puyallup School District Consortium, Shorecrest High School, South Bend High School, South Kitsap High/Discovery Alternative High Consortium, Spanaway Lake High School, Sumner High School, Tahoma High School, Waitsburg Junior/Senior High School, Walla Walla School District Consortium, and the Yakima Valley Skills Center Consortium have all developed Teen Aware projects; and
WHEREAS, On May 15-16, 1995, students from throughout Washington State will hold the first "Teen Aware Showcase" at Central Washington University to exchange ideas regarding successful and innovative teen pregnancy prevention projects;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Washington State House of Representatives, That the students participating in the local development of community Teen Aware projects should be commended for their efforts on behalf of their fellow students; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the teachers, business persons, and community members who have lent their guidance and support to students should also be commended for their efforts on behalf of youth; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives send its wishes for the success of the Teen Aware Showcase on May 15th; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives immediately transmit copies of this resolution to the Teen Aware Conference.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4679 adopted by the House of Representatives
Rules Committee on April 22, 1995.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk