6247‑S AMS BENT STEI 001
SSB 6247 - S AMD ‑ 703
BySenator Benton
page 2, line 6, after "HOWEVER, That" strike "works of art or of
anthropological, scientific, or medical significance or for
educational or health purposes funded in part or in whole by the state, county,
municipality, or other political subdivision of the state shall not be
deemed to be within the foregoing definition" and insert "((works
of art or of anthropological significance shall not be deemed to be within the
foregoing definition)) the following shall not be deemed to be within
the foregoing definition: (i) Works of art or of anthropological, scientific or
medical significance; and (ii) material used for educational or health purposes
funded in part or in whole by the state, county, municipality, or other
political subdivision of the state"
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