HB 1539


                       As Passed House

                       March 11,  1997


Title:  An act relating to fire district associations.


Brief Description:  Regulating fire district associations.


Sponsors:  By House Committee on Government Administration (originally sponsored by  Representatives Honeyford, Fisher, Schoesler and Sheldon).


Brief History:

Committee Activity:

Government Administration:  2/18/97, 2/21/97 [DP].

  Floor Activity:

Passed House:  3/11/97, 97‑0.



Majority Report:  Do pass.  Signed by 13 members:  Representatives D. Schmidt, Chairman; D. Sommers, Vice Chairman; Scott, Ranking Minority Member; Gardner, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Doumit; Dunn; Dunshee; Murray; Reams; Smith; L. Thomas; Wensman and Wolfe.


Staff:  Steve Lundin (786-7127).


Background:   Fire commissioners of fire protection districts are authorized to, adopt articles of association or articles of incorporation under private nonprofit corporation laws to form an association to secure information of value in suppressing and preventing fires and other district purposes, hold and attend meetings, and promote the more economical and efficient operation of associated fire protection districts.  Expenses of the nonprofit corporation are paid from funds paid by member fire protection districts.  Contributions by any member fire protection district may not exceed 2.5 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation of the district in any calendar year.


Summary of Bill:  The association that fire commissioners are authorized to create to provide services for fire protection districts is declared to be a municipal corporation.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  This bill will re-establish the status of the association as being exempt from paying property taxes on property it owns.  The Department of Revenue recently removed its exempt status.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  Representative Honeyford, prime sponsor; and Pete Spiller, Washington Fire Commissioners Association.