HB 2847


             As Reported By House Committee On:

                      Commerce & Labor


Title:  An act relating to technical changes regarding designations for liquor licenses.


Brief Description:  Making technical changes regarding designations for liquor licenses.


Sponsors:  Representatives McMorris and Conway; by request of Liquor Control Board.


Brief History:

  Committee Activity:

Commerce & Labor:  2/4/98, 2/5/98 [DP].




Majority Report:  Do pass.  Signed by 9 members:  Representatives McMorris, Chairman; Honeyford, Vice Chairman; Conway, Ranking Minority Member; Wood, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Boldt; Clements; Cole; Hatfield and Lisk.


Staff:  Pam Madson (786-7166).


Background:  In 1997, legislation was enacted that changes the designation of liquor licenses from letters of the alphabet to a business description for each license.  The law becomes effective July 1, 1998. 


A class H liquor license is changed to a full service restaurant license.  Under this license, a restaurant may serve beer, wine and spirits by the drink for consumption on the restaurant's premises. 


Class A and C licenses allow beer and wine to be served by the glass on the restaurant premises. This combination of licenses has become a limited service restaurant license.  Under this license, a restaurant may serve beer and wine by the drink for consumption on the restaurant's premises.


The term wholesaler is changed to distributor.


Summary of Bill:  The license designation "full service" is changed to "spirits, beer and wine".  The license designation "limited service" is changed to "beer and/or wine".


Consistent with changes in license designations that will become effective July 1, 1998, additional references to a wholesaler are changed to distributor and brewer is changed to a brewery.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  The bill takes effect July 1, 1998.


Testimony For:  In preparing to implement the new licensing scheme, the board found that the term full service restaurant and limited service restaurant was understood by applicants and licensees to relate to food service and not alcohol service.  The license designation "full service" was intended to mean the service of spirits, beer and wine and limited service was intended to mean the service of beer and wine only.  The terms were confusing.  The board seeks a change in the license designation from full service to spirits, beer, and wine restaurant, and from limited service to a beer and wine restaurant.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  David Goyette, Liquor Control Board.