SB 5674


             As Reported By House Committee On:



Title:  An act relating to governor's awards for excellence in teaching history.


Brief Description:  Creating the governor's award for excellence in teaching history.


Sponsors:  Senators Wood, Haugen, Jacobsen, Prince, Winsley and Kohl.


Brief History:

  Committee Activity:

Education:  4/1/97 [DPA].




Majority Report:  Do pass as amended.  Signed by 11 members:  Representatives Johnson, Chairman; Hickel, Vice Chairman; Cole, Ranking Minority Member; Keiser, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Linville; Quall; Smith; Sterk; Sump; Talcott and Veloria.


Staff:  Joe Hauth (786-7111).


Background:  Among other duties, the Washington State Historical Society conducts educational activities by offering classes, exhibits, seminars, workshops, and conferences in support of its mission to maintain materials and sites of historical interest in the state.  The society accepts and expends gifts, grants, conveyances, bequests, and devices of real or personal property.


The Superintendent of Public Instruction annually recognizes five Washington teachers from each congressional district with the Washington Award for Excellence in Education.


Summary of Amended Bill:  The Governor=s Award for Excellence in Teaching History is established to recognize individuals and organizations that are doing exemplary work in promoting a better understanding and appreciation of the state=s history.  The Washington State Historical Society must award two cash awards annually, one to a teacher and one to a private nonprofit historical organization.  The society=s board of trustees will determine who receives the awards.  The society must raise funds for the awards through solicitations from private donors.


Amended Bill Compared to Original Bill:  A grammatical error was corrected.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date of Amended Bill:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  None.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  None.