SB 6352
As Passed House:
March 5, 1998
Title: An act relating to examination eligibility requirements for Washington state patrol officers.
Brief Description: Specifying examination eligibility requirements for Washington state patrol officers.
Sponsors: Senators Wood and Haugen; by request of Washington State Patrol.
Brief History:
Committee Activity:
Transportation Policy & Budget: 2/25/98, 3/2/98 [DP].
Floor Activity:
Passed House: 3/5/98, 98-0.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 27 members: Representatives K. Schmidt, Chairman; Hankins, Vice Chairman; Mielke, Vice Chairman; Mitchell, Vice Chairman; Fisher, Ranking Minority Member; Cooper, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Backlund; Buck; Cairnes; Chandler; Constantine; DeBolt; Gardner; Hatfield; Johnson; McCune; Murray; O'Brien; Ogden; Radcliff; Robertson; Romero; Scott; Skinner; Sterk; Wood and Zellinsky.
Staff: Paul Neal (786-7315).
Background: In order to be considered for promotion, Washington State Patrol (WSP) officers participate in a testing process. Testing is a six-week process that is conducted every two years.
Current law requires a patrol officer to have a certain number of years of experience before he or she can take a test for promotion. It is unclear whether the statutorily required experience must be completed before beginning the six-week testing process or whether it is sufficient that the patrol officer have the required experience by the time the testing process is concluded.
Summary of Bill: A patrol officer must complete the statutorily required years of experience before he or she can begin the testing process.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: This change will bring needed clarification to the question of when a patrol officer qualifies to test for promotion.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Chief Annette Sandberg, WSP; and Bill Hanson, WSP Troopers Association.