HB  1234   



Brief Description:  Modifying the size of the state advisory board of plumbers.


Sponsors:  Representatives Cairnes, Mason, Clements, Mulliken, Thompson, McMorris Reams, Honeyford, Sterk, Kenney, Blalock, Cody, Keiser, Conway, Cooper, O=Brien, Tokuda, Dunshee, Wood, Fisher and Kastama



                   Hearing:  January 30, 1997


BACKGROUND: The state Advisory Board of Plumbers was created in 1973. The board has three members; a journeyman plumber, a person engaged in the plumbing business, and a member of the public with knowledge of the business and trade of plumbing.  The Governor appoints the members of the board for three-year staggered terms.


The Board advises the director of Labor and Industries on rules regulating the trade of plumbing and on criteria for examinations of persons who wish to engage in the plumbing trade.  The board may also conduct hearings on the revocation of a certificate of competency.


SUMMARY OF BILL:  The membership of the board increases to five members. Added to the board are one additional journeyman and one additional member conducting a plumbing business.  The bill specifies expiration dates for each member.  The term of one journeyman member expires July 1, 1998 and the term of the other journeyman member expires July 1, 2000.  The term of one member conducting a plumbing business expires July 1, 1999 and the term of the other member conducting a plumbing business expires July 1, 2000.


RULES AUTHORITY:  The bill does not contain provisions addressing the rule-making powers of an agency.




EFFECTIVE DATE:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.