Olympia, Washington
Bill Analysis Bill No. HB 1808
Public Works Projects/$5,000/state agencies Public Hrg: 2/28/97
Brief Title
Reps. D. Sommers/D. Schmidt/Sherstad Staff Contact: Bill Lynch
Sponsor Comm. on Govt. Admin.
Phone: 786-7092
Public works projects by institutions of higher education with an estimated value of $25,000 or more must be let by contract. Projects with an estimated value of less than $25,000 may be awarded in any fashion, or may be done in-house. If the estimated value of the project is less than $100,000 the contract may be awarded through a small works roster. Projects with an estimated value of $100,000 or more must be let through formal competitive bidding procedures.
State agencies may use a small works roster to award public works contracts with an estimated value of $100,000 or less. If a public works project has an estimated value of more than $100,000, it must be awarded through a formal competitive bidding process. Although the statutes provide a certain exception from competitive bidding and the small works roster process for contracts with an estimated value over $25,000, there is no express dollar threshold which specifies when state agencies must let public works projects by contract.
Any public work by a state agency with an estimated cost in excess of $5000 must be let by contract either through a small works roster or formal competitive bidding. The public work includes the cost of materials, supplies, equipment, and labor.
FISCAL NOTE: Requested February 24, 1997.
EFFECTIVE DATE: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.