HB 2010


Title:  An act relating to Fircrest school.


Brief Description:  Creating the Fircrest school planning board.


Sponsors:  Representatives Mitchell, Cole and Tokuda; by request of Secretary of State.





Meeting Date:  February 28, 1997.


Bill Analysis Prepared by:  David Knutson  (786-7146).


Background:  The Fircrest residential habilitation center is located in King County, north of the Seattle city limits.  During its years of operation, the surrounding area has experienced a steady increase in population, economic development, and resulting increases in property values.  The future role of residential habilitation centers has also been debated, with advocates for residential habilitation centers seeking to maintain and improve them, and advocates for community placements seeking to move residents of the centers into community residential placements.


Summary of Bill:  A Fircrest planning board is created to produce a plan to enhance and develop the Fircrest campus.  The board will include eleven members appointed by the Governor.  Once a plan is developed, it will be submitted to the secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services and the City of Shoreline.  If approved by the secretary, the plan will be submitted to the Legislature during the 1998 legislative session.  The department is authorized to implement the plan by April 1998 unless the Legislature amends or disapproves the plan.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  None requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.