SHB 2110

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

                   Education, April 4, 1997


Title:  An act relating to students with disabilities.


Brief Description:  Facilitating assistance for students with disabilities.


Sponsors:  House Committee on Children & Family Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Dunn, Van Luven, McDonald, Veloria, Sheldon, Morris, Mason and Boldt).


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Education:  4/3/97, 4/4/97 [DP].




Majority Report:  Do pass.

  Signed by Senators Hochstatter, Chair; Finkbeiner, Vice Chair; Goings, Johnson, McAuliffe, Rasmussen and Zarelli.


Staff:  Aldo Melchiori (786-7439)


Background:  Each school district is required to submit the names of all visually or hearing impaired children living in the school district between three and 21 years of age.  The educational service district is required to, annually, make a complete report of visual and hearing impaired children to the superintendent of the School for the Blind or the School for the Deaf.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction is also required to submit the same report to the respective schools.


Summary of Bill:  The school district is required to ask the parent, or legal guardian, of each visually or hearing impaired child if the Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services or the Department of Services for the Blind may send the parent information about services for the visually of hearing impaired.  Within 30 days, the school communicates the parent's response to the educational service district.


The educational service district provides the name and address of the youth to the appropriate department within 30 days of receiving the information from the educational service district if the parent or guardian has requested information regarding services.  The Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services or Department of Services for the Blind uses the information solely to notify parents or legal guardians regarding available services.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  The system for parent notification is already there but the information is not being received by the parents.  This bill should correct that problem.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  Representative Dunn, prime sponsor (pro).