HB 2516

                    As of February 12, 1998


Title:  An act relating to liens for artificial insemination service or materials.


Brief Description:  Providing a lien for artificial insemination or materials.


Sponsors:  Representatives Chandler, Linville and Schoesler.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Agriculture & Environment:  2/19/98.




Staff:  Paul Mabrey (786-7412)


Background:   Current law provides that owners of sires having a fee for breeding service may have a lien upon the female or get of the sire for such service provided that the owner file the necessary documentation with the county auditor.  The documentation consists of a sworn affidavit stating the name, age, description and pedigree of the sire as well as the terms and conditions upon which the sire is advertised for breeding service. The auditor shall then issue a certificate to the sire owners whereupon such owner shall obtain and have a lien upon the female served for one year from the date of service, or upon the get of the sire for one year from the date of birth.


Summary of Bill:  A provider of artificial insemination services or materials for animals has the same lien as the lien provided currently for the owner of a sire, except that the provider need not secure a certificate from the county auditor regarding the service. 


The provider of any insemination materials or insemination services may obtain a lien if he or she provides a statement identifying the service or materials provided, the animal bred or the address of the person for which materials were provided, and the amount due must be filed with the county auditor.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.