SSB 5799
As Passed Senate, March 13, 1997
Title: An act relating to the transfer of funds to provide for plant pest control activities.
Brief Description: Transferring funds for plant pest control activities.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Agriculture & Environment (originally sponsored by Senators Deccio, Rasmussen, Newhouse and Loveland).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Agriculture & Environment: 3/4/97 [DPS].
Passed Senate, 3/13/97, 43-0.
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5799 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Morton, Chair; Swecker, Vice Chair; Fraser, McAuliffe, Newhouse, Oke and Rasmussen.
Staff: Bob Lee (786-7404)
Background: Rhagoletis pomonella is an insect pest of international quarantine significance. Many counties in western Washington are under an internal quarantine due to presence of the insect. This insect is not considered as being established in eastern Washington except for Spokane and Klickitat counties. However, concerns have increased over a possible infestation in some major fruit growing areas of the state. An intensified trapping and survey program is being planned for the 1997 season.
The plant pest account is an account in the agricultural local fund whose funds are derived from fees charged for services such as inspections and certifications to facilitate the movement or sale of plant products or bees.
The horticultural laws provide for inspection of horticultural products to determine whether the products meet grades and standards. Fees collected for services are deposited in the horticultural district fund in the district. There are three horticultural inspection districts in the state. Horticultural Inspection District 2 consists of Kittitas, Klickitat, Skamania, Yakima and a portion of Benton County.
These fee for service funds are not subject to legislative appropriation.
Summary of Bill: Funds from Horticultural Inspection District 2 may be transferred to the plant pest account. The transferred monies are used solely for Rhagoletis pomonella control activities in the district. The transfer must take place by June 1, 1997. Funds that are not expended by June 30, 1999 are returned to the district=s fund.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.
Testimony For: A small number of apple maggots were found through a trapping program last summer and preparations are being made to do a more intensive trapping program this summer. Funding is needed to assure the insect pest does not become a problem.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Dick Ducharme, Yakima Growers and Shippers Association (pro).