SB 6287
As Passed Senate, February 10, 1998
Title: An act relating to safe public water supply.
Brief Description: Adding inhabitants of county as recipients of water works benefits.
Sponsors: Senators T. Sheldon, Benton, Brown, Rossi, Finkbeiner, Rasmussen and Anderson.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Government Operations: 1/29/98 [DP].
Passed Senate, 2/10/98, 49-0.
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators McCaslin, Chair; Hale, Vice Chair; Haugen, Horn, Patterson and T. Sheldon.
Staff: Genevieve Pisarski (786-7488)
Background: A public utility district is authorized to furnish the district, its inhabitants, and any other person within or without its limits with water.
Summary of Bill: A district is authorized to furnish the district, the inhabitants of the county in which the district is located, and any other person within or without its limits with water.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Only one of the two Mason County PUDs supplies water and needs clarification that it will be able to supply water in the territory of the other PUD without being subject to the test that extra-territorial service must be subordinated to primary service.
Testimony Against: None
Testified: Ben Settle, Mason County PUD #1 and PUD #3 (pro).