2561 AMH ROCK H4717.2




HB 2561 - H AMD 428 ADOPTED 2-9-2000

By Representatives Rockefeller and . . . . . .




    On page 1, beginning on line 7, strike all material through "if:" on line 15, and insert the following:

    "Counties that are required or choose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 may authorize and designate national historic towns that may constitute urban growth outside of urban growth areas as limited by this section.  A national historic town means a town or district that has been designated a national historic landmark by the United States secretary of the interior pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 461 et seq., as amended, based on its significant historic urban features, and which historically contained a mix of residential and commercial or industrial uses.

    A national historic town may be designated under this chapter by a county only if:"


    On page 2, line 9, after "designation" strike "or on July 1, 1990"




    EFFECT:  (1) Removes date restriction for purposes of authority to designate national historic towns and adds provision regarding historic designation being based on significant historic urban features.

    (2) Specifies the United States secretary of the interior (rather than the national park service) makes the national historic landmark designation.


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