ESSB 5180 - H AMD

By Representative Veloria

     On page 68, line 16, strike A1,263,000" and insert A1,763,000"


     On page 68, line 17, strike A1,259,000" and insert A1,759,000"


     On page 68, line 26, strike A441,831,000" and insert A442,831,000"


     On page 68, line 28, after Alimitations:@ insert A(1)@


     On page 68, line 31, after Aact.@ insert the following:

     A(2) $500,000 of the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2000, and $500,000 of the general fund--state appropriation for fiscal year 2001 are provided solely to implement the Washington youthbuild program under chapter 50.72 RCW.@





EFFECT: Appropriates $500,000 GF-S (FY 2000) and $500,000 GF-S (FY 2001) to implement the Washington Youthbuild program in the Employment Security Department.