5604-S AMH HC H2583.2





By Committee on Health Care




    Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  A new section is added to chapter 70.41 RCW to read as follows:

    All persons employed by, volunteering with, contracting with, leasing space from, or otherwise providing health care services directly to patients at a health care facility shall wear identification badges.  The badge must display the person's first name, or first and last name, or initials or a numeric identifier, and the title of his or her profession under Title 18 RCW, or job title, if the person is not a regulated health care professional.  The badge must indicate if the person is a delegatee nursing assistant delegated tasks under chapter 18.88A RCW.  The badge must be worn on the person's clothing so that it is visible and readable.  For the purposes of this section, "health care facility" means a hospital, pharmacy, diagnostic or treatment center, neuropsychiatric or mental health facility, or long-term care facility required to be licensed under chapter 18.20, 18.51, 72.36, or 70.128 RCW or a home health, hospice, or home care agency licensed under chapter 70.127 RCW, or contracted assisted living services under RCW 74.39A.010, or in-home independent care provider, but not including veterinary medical facilities.  A health care facility that maintains an established identification badge policy covering persons under this section is exempt from the provisions of this section.  For the purposes of this section "person" includes but is not limited to health care provider, staff member, and all other employees, both professional and nonprofessional, as well as volunteers.  It does not include visitors or family members in adult family homes who do not regularly provide services to residents, nor does "person" include veterinarians, licensed under chapter 18.92 RCW, or their employees.

    The health care facility administrator or his or her designee is responsible for assuring that all persons comply with this section."





By Committee on Health Care




    On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "identification;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and adding a new section to chapter 70.41 RCW."


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