1125‑S.E AMS SNYD FLOO 006




ESHB 1125 - S AMD TO S AMD (S‑3095.4/99) ‑ 547

    BySenators Snyder and McDonald


                                                   ADOPTED 5/19/99


    On page 7, line 12 of the amendment, strike "2,378,000" and insert "2,586,000"


    On page 8, after line 6 of the amendment, strike section 206 and insert the following:



Motor vehicle account--state appropriation ..... $         4,283,000


    The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:

    (1) $2,467,000 of the motor vehicle account--state appropriation is provided for the operation of the house of representatives transportation committee.  The appropriation includes $500,000 for personal service contracts and other activities as deemed necessary by the house of representatives transportation committee.

    (2) The transportation committees of the legislature shall evaluate the transportation functions currently performed by the utilities and transportation commission including but not limited to those regarding the issuance of certificates of public convenience and necessity for auto transportation companies.

    (3) A legislative task force consisting of one member from each caucus of the senate and one member from each caucus of the house of representatives shall conduct a road jurisdiction study.  The legislative task force shall appoint a technical advisory panel consisting of representatives of cities, counties, and the department of transportation.  The study shall include but not be limited to an examination of the following issues:

    (a) Whether changed conditions merit redesignation of certain local roadways as state routes and the return of certain state routes to local jurisdictions;

    (b) Alternatives to current revenue distribution methodologies for funding roadway and highway needs;

    (c) Determine roadway responsibilities, authorities, and practices by jurisdictional level; and

    (d) Evaluate governance issues associated with road jurisdiction.

    (4) The transportation committees of the legislature shall oversee program accountability reviews of department of transportation, department of licensing, and Washington state patrol programs selected by the senate transportation committee."



    On page 74, beginning on line 8 of the amendment, after "department of" strike "transportation.

    (2) Twenty-two" and insert "transportation.  Twenty-two"


    On page 74, line 32 of the amendment, strike "(3)" and insert "(2)"


    Correct any internal references accordingly.



ESHB 1125 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-3095.4/99)

    By Senator Snyder




    On page 85, beginning on line 3, strike everything through "house." on line 6.


    On page 85, line 27 of the amendment after "committee" strike " as well as" and insert ", determining the number of legislative transportation committee staff, and"


    On page 85, line 30 of the amendment, after "schedules" strike "and" and insert ","


    On page 85, line 31 of the amendment, after "committee" insert ", and setting policies for legislative transportation committee staff utilization"


    On page 85, beginning on line 32 of the amendment, strike all of section 618.


    Renumber remaining sections and correct internal references accordingly.




                            --- END ---


    EFFECT: The amendment accomplishes the following:


Combines two separate subsections in the section determining distribution of TEA-21 moneys into one appropriation item. 


Amends provisions relating to the Legislative Transportation Committee (LTC) by: (1) authorizing the executive committee to set staff policies and staffing levels for the LTC; and (2) eliminating language requiring a rotating chair.


Maintains a separate appropriation to the Senate for the  Senate Transportation Committee while providing a combined appropriation for the LTC and the House Transportation Committee.


Total appropriation reduced to reflect lower appropriation to the LTC than that provided in the house bill.