1525-S AMS FAIR S2775.1




SHB 1525 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2710.2/99) - 382

By Senator Fairley


                                                 WITHDRAWN 4/15/99


    On page 22, after line 16 of the amendment, strike all material through "parties." on line 30, and insert the following:

    "(a) To represent the child;

    (b) To ((represent)) investigate and ((be an advocate for)) report to the court factual information regarding the best interests of the child;

    (((b))) (c) To collect relevant information about the child's situation;

    (((c))) (d) To monitor all court orders for compliance and to bring to the court's attention any change in circumstances that may require a modification of the court's order; ((and

    (d))) (e) To report to the court information on:  (i) The legal status of a child's membership in any Indian tribe or band; and (ii) the facts relating to the child's best interests; and

    (f) To make recommendations based upon an independent investigation in the best interests of the child, which the court may consider and weigh in conjunction with the recommendations of all of the parties."


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