5243-S2 AMS HONE HOOV 001




2SSB 5243 - S AMD - 202

    By Senators Honeyford and Kline




    On page 2, beginning on line 29, strike "minority or women's business enterprise" and insert "persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, or women's business enterprise"


    On page 2, line 34, strike "minority or women's business enterprise" and insert "persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, or women's business enterprise"


    On page 3, beginning on line 6, strike "minority or women's business enterprise that has received state certification under chapter 39.19 RCW;" and insert "((minority or women's business enterprise that has received state certification under chapter 39.19 RCW)) persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, or women's business enterprise that has received certification by the office of minority and women's business enterprises;"


    On page 3, line 11, strike "minority or women's" and insert "((minority or women's))"


    On page 3, beginning on line 20, after "treasurer" strike all material down to and including "RCW," on line 22 and insert "that a disabled, minority, or women's business enterprise is no longer certified,"


    On page 3, line 24, strike "minority or women's"


    On page 3, line 32, strike "minority and women's business enterprises" and insert "persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, and women's business enterprises"


    On page 3, line 37, strike "minority or women's"



    On page 4, line 1, strike "minority or women's"


    On page 4, line 5, strike "minority or women's"


    On page 4, line 7, strike "minority or women's"


    On page 4, beginning on line 11, strike "minority or women's"


    On page 4, line 15, strike "minority or women's"


    On page 4, line 20, strike "minority and women-owned" and insert "((minority and women-owned)) persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, and women's"


    On page 4, line 25, strike "minority and women-owned" and insert "((minority and women-owned)) persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, and women's"


    On page 4, beginning on line 30, strike "minority or women's business enterprises" and insert "persons with a disability who can demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on that basis, minority, or women's business enterprises"






                            --- END ---


EFFECT: Making businesses owned by disabled persons eligible for participation in the linked deposit program.