5568 AAS 3/5/99 S1773.1




SB 5568 - S AMD - 021

By Senator B. Sheldon


                                                    ADOPTED 3/5/99


    On page 2, after line 18, insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  In every week that an individual is paid a self-employment assistance allowance, the individual must participate in either entrepreneurial training or business counseling.  In any week that an individual fails to participate in either entrepreneurial training or business counseling, the individual shall be disqualified for the week the failure occurs and the individual shall not receive either a self-employment assistance allowance or regular benefits for the week the failure occurs."


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    On page 2, beginning on line 26, strike all material through "individual;" on line 28


    Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    On page 3, at the beginning of line 3, strike "five" and insert "two"




    EFFECT:  Clarifies that individuals must participate in training or counseling on a weekly basis.  Limits participation to no more than 2 percent of the number of individuals receiving regular benefits.


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