5595-S2 AAS 3/15/99




2SSB 5595 - S AMD - 208

    By Senators T. Sheldon and Jacobsen


                                                   ADOPTED 3/15/99


    On page 5, line 13, delete "a greater portion to protection of habitat than to" and insert "funding to both protection and"



2SSB 5595 - S AMD - 183

    BySenators Honeyford and Jacobsen


                                                   ADOPTED 3/15/99


    On page 5, line 27, after "information." insert "Prior to finalizing funding decisions under the provisions of this chapter, the board shall consult with interests representing irrigated and non-irrigated agriculture, sport and commercial fishing interests, large and small scale timber interests, conservation districts, and county and city governmental interests."


                            --- END ---


EFFECT: Objective of funding a greater portion for habitat protection than habitat restoration is deleted.    



EFFECT: Requires the salmon recovery funding board to consult with interest groups prior to making fish project funding decisions.