5668-S AAS 3/12/99
SSB 5668 - S AMD - 109
By Senators West and McAuliffe
ADOPTED 3/12/99
On page 1, beginning after line 6, strike all material through "volunteer" on page 1, line 9, and insert "If a volunteer alerts a school district that the volunteer"
On page 1, beginning on line 12, after "school" strike all material through "check" on page 1, line 13
On page 1, line 13, strike "shall" and insert "may"
On page 2, line 1, after "information" strike "must" and insert "shall"
On page 2, line 2, after "school" strike "within ten calendar days"
On page 2, after line 6, strike all material through "children." on page 2, line 10
--- END ---
EFFECT: Removes the requirement that each school district must have a policy asking volunteers about prior record checks. Also removes the requirement that the school ask the volunteer for the background information, however, the school is still permitted to request the information. Removes the timeline for the delivery of the information by a business sharing the information. Removes the language specifying how the school will use the volunteer if the volunteer does not furnish the information.