SHCR 4428
Brief Description: Creating a joint select committee on veterans and military affairs.
Sponsors: Representatives Conway, D. Schmidt, O'Brien, Campbell, Lovick, Miloscia, Talcott, Bush, Woods, Haigh, Radcliff, Kenney, Kessler, Rockefeller, Santos and Skinner.
House Committee on State Government
A variety of military personnel reside in Washington including veterans, active military personnel, members of the National Guard, and members of the reserve. A variety of state agencies handle issues relating to military personnel including the Military Department and the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Summary of Bill:
The Joint Select Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs is created. The committee must examine and define issues and make recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature, and state agencies with respect to desirable changes in programs, laws, and administrative practices affecting veterans and military affairs before each legislative session.
The committee consists of sixteen members, four members from each caucus in the House appointed by the Co-Speakers of the House, and four members from each caucus in the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate. The committee must be co-chaired by one member from the House and one from the Senate.
Votes on Final Passage:
Second Special Session