SB 6193
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Commerce, Trade, Housing & Financial Institutions, January 25, 2000
Title: An act relating to fur and fur products from domestic dogs and cats.
Brief Description: Prohibiting the trafficking in fur and fur products from domestic dogs and cats.
Sponsors: Senators Fairley, Costa, Gardner, Heavey, Kohl‑Welles, Prentice, Thibaudeau, Loveland, Patterson, McAuliffe and Winsley.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Commerce, Trade, Housing & Financial Institutions: 1/20/2000, 1/25/2000 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Gardner, Hale, Heavey, T. Sheldon and Winsley.
Staff: Dave Cheal (786-7576)
Background: An international trade exists in fur apparel products made from the pelts of domestic dogs and cats, according to an undercover investigation conducted by the Humane Society of the Untied States and the Humane Society International. The investigation revealed very brutal practices and a massive scale. The investigation centered mainly in Asia and Europe, but produced some evidence of significant importation of these products into the United States. Coats, gloves, accessories and toys made from these products are often mislabeled or not labeled at all.
Summary of Bill: It is unlawful to tend, feed, trap, take or kill a domestic dog or cat for the direct or indirect purpose of dealing in the fur or pelt or products that include the fur or pelt of a domestic dog or cat. The first conviction is punishable as a gross misdemeanor, with a mandatory fine of not less than $500. Second and subsequent convictions are punishable as a class C felony with a fine of not less than $1000. Confinement for a gross misdemeanor is not more than one year, and for a class C felony, confinement is five years.
It is unlawful to negligently buy, import, sell, barter or exchange for profit the fur or pelt of a domestic dog or cat, or products that include such fur or pelts. The first conviction is punishable as a misdemeanor, with a mandatory fine of not less than $250. A second conviction is punishable as a gross misdemeanor with a mandatory minimum fine of $500. Third and subsequent convictions are punishable as a class C felony with a fine of not less than $1000. Confinement for a misdemeanor is up to 90 days.
The sentencing guidelines statute is amended to include trafficking in dog or cat fur or pelts.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 14, 2000.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: A Humane Society International study revealed a thriving trade in domestic dog and cat fur products, including importation of these products into the United States. The industry involves very brutal practices. Our law should condemn this industry, and punish the participants.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: PRO: Lisa Wathne, Humane Society of the U.S.; Jasmin Baker-Kinney; Kay Joubert, PAWS; Kay Farrell.