SSB 6720

                          C 146 L 00

                      Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Modifying the Washington state beef commission.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Rasmussen, Stevens, Honeyford, Swecker, Loveland and Snyder).


Senate Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development

House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology

House Committee on Appropriations


Background:  The Washington State Beef Commission is authorized to conduct programs to increase the consumption of beef and develop more efficient methods of production.  At the national level, there is a national beef promotion and research program whose primary purpose is to increase demand for beef.  These programs are funded from a $1 per head assessment collected by the Washington State Beef Commission.  The assessment is authorized by state statute.


Summary:  The assessment on Washington cattle sold in this state is increased from the current $1 per head to $1.50 per head.


The commission may add an additional nonvoting member to the board to act in an advisory capacity.  Deleted is the requirement that the commission prepare an annual report.  The prohibition from using the sales promotion program to advertise a particular brand or trademark is removed.


Votes on Final Passage:


Senate 450

House962(House amended)

Senate 440(Senate concurred)


Effective:June 8, 2000