ESB 6858
As Passed Senate, March 9, 2000
Title: An act relating to zoos and aquariums in cities with populations over one hundred fifty thousand that are not within a metropolitan park district.
Brief Description: Providing financing mechanisms to fund local government services. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED BILL: Providing for overall management contracts for zoos and/or aquariums.)
Sponsors: Senators Kohl‑Welles, Heavey, Horn, Goings, Rasmussen, Eide and Winsley.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Ways & Means: 2/28/2000 [DP, DNP].
Passed Senate, 3/9/2000, 43-1.
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Bauer, Vice Chair; Brown, Vice Chair; Fraser, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McDonald, B. Sheldon, Snyder, Spanel and Winsley.
Minority Report: Do not pass.
Signed by Senator Honeyford.
Staff: Eugene Green (786-7405); Terry Wilson (786-7433)
Background: Over the past few years, the city of Seattle has explored various options concerning the funding, operation, and management of its zoo and aquarium.
Summary of Bill: A city with a population over 150,000 that is not in a metropolitan park district (Seattle, Spokane) may contract with one or more nonprofit corporations or other public organizations for the overall management and operation of a zoo and/or aquarium. No such contract may have a term exceeding 20 years.
Requirements are specified regarding public notice, public hearing, and public availability of terms and conditions of the proposed contract.
Notwithstanding any provisions in the charter of the city: (1) a nonprofit corporation or public organization may manage, supervise, and control those employees of the city employed in connection with a zoo or aquarium; and (2) the civil service system of the city must provide for the nonprofit corporation or public organization to manage, supervise, control, hire, fire, or otherwise discipline those employees.
As part of the contract for the overall management and operation of the zoo and/or aquarium, the legislative authority of the city must provide for oversight of the managing and operating entity to ensure public accountability.
Any terms, conditions, or practices contained in a collective bargaining agreement in effect on the effective date of this act are not affected.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The intent was to have a striking amendment for the hearing but final changes are being negotiated. The city, zoo society, and aquarium society have agreed to the striking amendment. Other bills were too narrowly focused and needed to be opened up to shelters, food banks, and other things.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: PRO: Senator Kohl-Welles, prime sponsor; Senator Heavey, 34th District.