HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4641, by Representatives Talcott, Keiser, Wensman, Carlson, Lambert, D. Schmidt, Mulliken, Thomas, Pflug, Dunn, G. Chandler, Barlean, Esser, Hankins, Ogden, Conway, Skinner and Fortunato


      WHEREAS, There are nearly fifty thousand classified school employees serving the needs of the children of this state; and

      WHEREAS, Classified school employees are instrumental in fulfilling this state's paramount responsibility to educate children; and

      WHEREAS, Classified school employees provide secretarial and clerical assistance, prepare and serve meals, interpret for deaf and disabled children and students who speak other languages, provide more individualized attention to students in the classroom, pick up and deliver our children to their assigned schools and home again every school day, are the first with a band-aid or a friendly ear when scraped knees or hurt feelings appear, and provide many other essential services; and

      WHEREAS, Classified school employees are involved in maintaining school buildings and grounds, keeping school facilities clean and orderly, providing safe transportation, and ensuring students have a safe environment in which to learn; and

      WHEREAS, Classified school employees have dedicated countless hours to improving the quality of this state's schools; and

      WHEREAS, Washington state schools have been significantly enhanced and positively affected by the services of classified school employees; and

      WHEREAS, These dedicated individuals deserve recognition and thanks for the outstanding work they are doing for this state, for their communities, and for the children enrolled in Washington's schools;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor classified school employees and recognize March 8 through 12, 1999, as Classified School Employee Week in the State of Washington and urge all citizens to join in honoring and recognizing the dedication and hard work of all classified school employees.



      I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

      Resolution 4641 adopted by the House of Representatives

                          March 8, 1999.



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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk    Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk