HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4646, by Representatives Keiser, Quall, Talcott, Rockefeller and Skinner


      WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to recognize the contributions of individuals who reflect standards of excellence that enhance the well-being and quality of life of the citizens of the State of Washington; and

      WHEREAS, It is also the policy of the Washington State Legislature to honor the memory of individuals who, despite their personal physical hardships, continued to contribute to the well-being and quality of life of the citizens of the State of Washington; and

      WHEREAS, Peggy G. Vatter served as a teacher of mathematics in the State of Washington since 1979, worked at the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction Office since 1986, and worked with the House of Representatives Education Committee; and

      WHEREAS, Peggy was a popular teacher and an active worker on behalf of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, as well as for the Shelton Education Association before that, and gave of her time and energy at many classes, meetings, conferences, and workshops for years; and

      WHEREAS, Peggy inspired many of her colleagues and students with her energy and dedication, especially in the last few months of her life, when she remained active and committed to finish her research work about student mathematical achievement despite her progressing illness during the last few days of her life; and

      WHEREAS, Peggy will be remembered by those who knew her as a human being with contagious energy, an outgoing nature, and an engaging sense of humor; and

      WHEREAS, Peggy was a loving wife to her husband, Michael, and to their daughters Katie and Robyn, and to other members of her family, including her parents Bob and Jean Guy, her brother Russell Guy, and to her nieces and nephews;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the memory of Peggy G. Vatter for her years of dedicated work on behalf of learning and education in the State of Washington.


      I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

      Resolution 4646 adopted by the House of Representatives

                          March 10, 1999.



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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk    Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk