HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4667, by Representatives Dickerson, Cooper, Hatfield, Conway, Edmonds, Morris, Kenney, Stensen, Linville, Wood, Veloria, Esser, Koster, D. Sommers, Pflug, Skinner, Carlson, D. Schmidt, Thomas, Talcott, Hankins and Benson


    WHEREAS, The Washington State Council of Firefighters Burn Foundation was founded in 1983; and

    WHEREAS, Since that time, fifty thousand dollars in grants have been provided for burn research and education by the foundation; and

    WHEREAS, All funds for these grants have been wholly generated by volunteer activities, including calendar sales and special events; and

    WHEREAS, These grants have generated life-saving medical treatment for burn victims;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the outstanding work of the Washington State Council of Firefighters Burn Foundation and the professional firefighters who risk their lives and give their time to aid burn victims; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to the Washington State Council of Firefighters Burn Foundation.



I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

Resolution 4667 adopted by the House of Representatives

                  April 8, 1999.



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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk