HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4677, by Representatives Edmonds, Kagi, Dickerson, Wensman, Ballasiotes, Pflug, Kenney, McIntire, Thomas, Hankins, Esser and Fortunato


      WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Washington State House of Representatives to honor academic excellence, which is the foundation of the future for our children, our families, our communities, and our entire state, and to recognize the achievements of our schools, students, and teachers; and

      WHEREAS, Three of our state's secondary schools, Shorewood High School of the Shoreline School District, Liberty High School of the Issaquah School District, and Blanchet High School of the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle, have been designated as among the one hundred sixty-six Blue Ribbon Schools by the United States Department of Education; and

      WHEREAS, The Blue Ribbon Schools Program promotes and supports the improvement of education across America by identifying schools that are models of academic excellence and success, recognizing schools that demonstrate a commitment to educational equity and opportunity for all students, encouraging schools to share information and ideas about proven methods for achieving higher standards, and providing students, parents, educators, business leaders, elected officials, and taxpayers a means of measuring educational progress based on objective standards and intensive assessment; and

      WHEREAS, Shorewood High School, which is receiving the Blue Ribbon for a second time, is a leader in effective school reform and positive partnership, and a school where excellence is rooted in a deep commitment to children, frequent and abundant staff development, and tangible community support; and

      WHEREAS, Liberty High School encapsulates the ideals and beliefs that lie at the heart of the community it serves, and embraces core beliefs honoring personal dignity, quality and excellence in performance, moral and ethical courage, and individual capacity for flexibility and growth; and

      WHEREAS, Blanchet High School combines dedication to faith and family with an outstanding commitment to academic excellence, cultural diversity, community outreach, and the goal of developing all its students spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and artistically;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives congratulate the students, parents, educators, and community supporters of Shorewood High School, Liberty High School, and Blanchet High School for honoring our state by bringing home the Blue Ribbon; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage every student, parent, teacher, school, and community in the State of Washington to emulate the outstanding example and national recognition achieved by our Blue Ribbon Schools.



      I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

      Resolution 4677 adopted by the House of Representatives

                          April 21, 1999.



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Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk    Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk