HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 99-4691, by Representatives Conway, Fortunato, Alexander, Anderson, Ballard, Ballasiotes, Barlean, Benson, Boldt, Buck, Bush, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, B. Chandler, G. Chandler, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Constantine, Cooper, Cox, Crouse, DeBolt, Delvin, Dickerson, Doumit, Dunn, Dunshee, Edmonds, Edwards, Eickmeyer, Ericksen, Esser, Fisher, Gombosky, Grant, Haigh, Hankins, Hatfield, Huff, Hurst, Kagi, Kastama, Keiser, Kenney, Kessler, Koster, Lambert, Lantz, Linville, Lisk, Lovick, Mastin, McDonald, McIntire, McMorris, Mielke, Miloscia, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Murray, O'Brien, Ogden, Parlette, Pennington, Pflug, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reardon, Regala, Rockefeller, Romero, Ruderman, Santos, D. Schmidt, Schindler, K. Schmidt, Schoesler, Schual‑Berke, Scott, Skinner, D. Sommers, H. Sommers, Stensen, Sullivan, Sump, Talcott, Thomas, Tokuda, Van Luven, Veloria, Wensman, Wolfe and Wood


      WHEREAS, Nearly 6,000 Washington residents died during World War II, the seminal event of the 20th Century; and

      WHEREAS, Thousands of other state residents served in our nation's Armed Forces during that time; and

      WHEREAS, Many others served on the "home front" to provide the necessary equipment and support for our men and women in uniform; and

      WHEREAS, World War II was a total effort by the citizens of the United States and united our country like no other time in our nation's history; and

      WHEREAS, Creation of a World War II memorial on the state Capitol Campus is a fitting and long overdue tribute to acknowledge the sacrifices of these veterans, home front civilians, and family members; and

      WHEREAS, The memorial will focus on educating our young people about what took place during the war, where it took place, and why it took place, so future generations may avoid such conflicts, and may understand the pivotal role of the war in the history of our state and country;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the state of Washington recognize and honor the tremendous sacrifices of the World War II generation for preserving our cherished freedoms and way of life; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That our citizens are encouraged to attend the dedication and unveiling ceremony for the Washington state World War II Memorial on Friday, May 28, 1999, at 1:00 p.m. on the state Capitol Campus; and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Co-Chief Clerks of the House of Representatives to the Governor.



          I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of

         Resolution 4691 adopted by the House of Representatives

                             April 23, 1999.



________________________________             _____________________________

Timothy A. Martin, Co-Chief Clerk            Dean R. Foster Co-Chief Clerk